ZORBUS obituary Release 60 2024-12-14 21:16 Playtime 10:18:43 JUGCELN Gnome male, level 12 Killed by a dracolich. SCORE points factor base 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C Z Exploration 3078 30% 10000 100% 100% 100% 100% 98% 92% 97% 43% . . . . Creatures defeated 2918 29% 10000 100% 100% 100% 100% 94% 84% 87% 40% . . . . Uniques defeated, dungeon 4375 7 of 16 10000 . 1 2 2 . 1 1 . . . . . Uniques defeated, demiplanes 0 0 of 16 40000 . . . . . . . . . . . . Total 10371 LEVEL explored secrets found time spent kills total xp combat skills explore other actions/s Level 1 100% 5 of 5 100% 00:23:54 6 1474 1074 100 300 . 1.4 Level 2 100% 7 of 7 100% 00:39:40 25 5423 4043 380 1000 . 1.1 Level 3 100% 8 of 8 100% 01:11:21 43 16831 14401 730 1700 . 1.1 Level 4 100% 10 of 10 100% 01:37:34 51 25443 22073 970 2400 . 1.0 Level 5 98% 8 of 11 72% 01:21:26 67 24361 23741 620 . . 1.0 Level 6 92% 11 of 19 57% 01:29:06 86 30006 29016 990 . . 1.1 Level 7 97% 2 of 7 28% 01:42:41 44 31854 31674 180 . . 0.8 Level 8 43% 0 of 18 0% 01:02:23 17 18612 18532 80 . . 0.6 Carillo . . . . 00:50:38 2 3326 3326 . . . 0.7 Total 89% 51 of 85 60% 10:18:43 341 157330 147880 4050 5400 0 1.0 HEALTH 80 STAMINA 96 ABILITIES total = base + items + temp mod 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Body 12 = 10 + 2 + 0 1 9 . . . . . . 10 . . . . 10 Motion 13 = 12 + 1 + 0 1 11 . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Mind 19 = 16 + 3 + 0 4 16 . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Spirit 15 = 12 + 3 + 0 2 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Character's abilities were set with the point buy -method. Traded 5 ability points for 1 talent point. SKILLS total = base + mod + items + temp 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Disable 4 = 3 + 1 + 0 + 0 2 . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Dodge 5 = 4 + 1 + 0 + 0 0 . 1 . 2 . . 3 . . 4 . 4 Magic 10 = 6 + 4 + 0 + 0 2 . . 3 . . 4 . 5 . . 6 6 Melee 5 = 4 + 1 + 0 + 0 1 . . . . 2 . . . 3 . . 4 Ranged 7 = 4 + 1 + 2 + 0 1 . . . 2 . . . . 3 . . 4 Search 6 = 2 + 4 + 0 + 0 0 . 1 . . . 2 . . . . . 2 Stealth 3 = 2 + 1 + 0 + 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . 2 . . 2 RESISTANCES total = base + items + temp Blunt 5 = 0 + 5 + 0 Pierce 5 = 0 + 5 + 0 Slash 5 = 0 + 5 + 0 Mental 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Energy 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 Fire 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 Cold 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 Lightning 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 Acid 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 Sonic 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Poison 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Holy 99 = 99 + 0 + 0 Necrotic 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 BEST WEAPON DPR PER EXPERIENCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Melee weapon 2.9 3.6 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.3 6.8 6.8 7.8 8.5 8.5 Ranged weapon 3.2 3.6 4.6 7.5 8.3 9.1 5.9 8.3 9.9 9.1 7.5 7.9 TALENTS gained at level uses Summon Animals 1 651 Natural Leader 1 0 Squirm 1 0 Blink 2 150 Animal Friend 4 0 Fire Wall 6 35 Stoneskin 8 64 Poison Cloud 9 51 Frost Ray 10 31 Fire Ball 12 15 STATES Regenerating Health Immune to disease Immune to poison Immune to web Immune to slime Immune to wither EQUIPMENT found in level Head Helm of Horns 2 Back Cloak of Protection 6 Body Robe of Protection +3 5 Waist Belt of Inertial Barrier C Feet Boots of Mobility 7 Forearms Bracers of Archery +2 7 Hands Gauntlets of Great Reach 2 Neck Amulet of Yendor C Finger Ring of Wizardry 3 Finger Ring of Regeneration C Eyes Goggles of Marksmanship 7 Lightsource Lantern 1 Set 1 main-hand Nightbringer +3 4 Damage = 6-17 (Blunt: 2d6+3, Necrotic: 1d2) Set 1 off-hand - - Set 2 main-hand Holy Longbow of Acid +1 C Damage = 3 (Acid: 2, Holy: 1) Set 2 off-hand - - Quiver Arrow +1 (31) 7 INVENTORY found in level Arrow (1482) 1 Arrow +3 (19) 5 Arrow of Anchoring +1 (3) 6 Arrow of Dismiss +1 (2) 1 Arrow of Explosion (2) 4 Arrow of Extinguishing (4) 4 Arrow of Extinguishing +2 (5) 2 Arrow of Impact +1 (16) 3 Arrow of Poison (9) 1 Arrow of Slime (8) 3 Arrow of Tracking +1 (6) 2 Arrow of Withering +1 (3) 6 Bullet (13) C Bullet of Acid +1 (30) 8 Cinatas the Fallen 3 Dagonoth key 5 Divine Newsletter 7 Drow key 8 Everlasting Arrow 3 Flask of Poison 7 Goblin key 3 Hobgoblin key 4 Kit of Acid trap (2) 2 Kit of Anchoring trap 1 Kit of Animate trap 3 Kit of Dismiss trap 1 Kit of Holy Burst trap 1 Kit of Necrotic Arrow trap 4 Kit of Summon Animals trap 8 Kit of Summon Elemental trap 2 Kit of Web trap 2 Kit of Withering trap (2) 1 Kobold key 2 Magic Lamp 3 Potion of Antidote (2) 3 Potion of Bull's Strength 4 Potion of Endurance 1 Potion of Extra Endurance (7) 2 Potion of Heroism (2) 7 Potion of Holiness 2 Potion of Mobility (5) 7 Potion of Speed 5 Potion of Superior Endurance (3) 5 Scimitar of Lightning +1 8 Damage = 3-9 (Slash: 1d7+1, Lightning: 1) Scroll of Activate Golem 5 Scroll of Holy Weapon 7 Tomb Raiders Guild Card 5 Unholy Arrow of A/Trkg +1 (2) 7 Unholy Arrow of Acid +1 (4) 7 Wand of Knock C Wand of Shatter C Zorbits (475) 4 DEVICE USES 245 Carillo Express Card 8 Elixir of Motion 1 Elixir of Talent 1 Flask of Poison 4 Flask of Slime 4 Flask of Withering 2 Kit of Acid trap 11 Kit of Animate trap 3 Kit of Confusion trap 1 Kit of Dismiss trap 8 Kit of Fire Ball trap 7 Kit of Holy Burst trap 1 Kit of Necrotic Arrow trap 9 Kit of Slime trap 2 Kit of Summon Animals trap 10 Kit of Summon Elemental trap 12 Kit of Withering trap 3 Magic Lamp 1 Panther Figurine 5 Potion of Antidote 3 Potion of Blink 16 Potion of Bull's Strength 1 Potion of Endurance 3 Potion of Extra Endurance 1 Potion of Extra Healing 26 Potion of Healing 13 Potion of Invulnerability 1 Potion of Life 1 Potion of Regeneration 2 Potion of Superior Endurance 5 Potion of Superior Healing 15 Scroll of Cold Weapon 1 Scroll of Enchant Weapon 1 Scroll of Fire Weapon 1 Scroll of Vampiric Weapon 1 Spider Figurine 4 Wand of Acid Cloud 6 Wand of Chain Lightning 5 Wand of Charming 6 Wand of Dismissing 6 Wand of Disrupt Undead 6 Wand of Ice Storm 6 Wand of Lightning Bolt 10 Wand of Shatter 5 Wand of Web 7 COMMANDS 19534 Autoattack 5 Autoexplore 113 Autopilot / Level map 32 Autopilot to undisabled trap 5 Autopilot to unlooted container 16 Block / unblock area 2 Character sheet 35 Command companion 01 14 Command companion 02 15 Command companion 03 20 Command companion 04 21 Command companion 05 9 Command companion 06 1 Command companion 07 1 Companion tactics 01 2 Companion tactics 02 8 Companion tactics 03 5 Companion tactics 04 1 Companion tactics 05 7 Display log 1 Examine 5 Fire ranged 1 Game menu 31 Get items from current location 2 Inventory 324 Loot items from level 244 Move / attack east 1972 Move / attack north 2130 Move / attack northeast 1435 Move / attack northwest 1366 Move / attack south 1755 Move / attack southeast 1233 Move / attack southwest 1317 Move / attack west 1861 Quickslot 01 651 Quickslot 02 150 Quickslot 03 1 Quickslot 05 53 Quickslot 06 9 Quickslot 07 16 Quickslot 10 30 Quickslot 11 450 Quickslot 12 2 Quickslot 13 1 Quickslot 14 3 Quickslot 15 8 Quickslot 16 20 Quickslot 17 12 Quickslot 18 9 Quickslot 19 15 Quickslot 21 2 Quickslot 22 64 Quickslot 26 6 Quickslot 27 6 Quickslot 29 31 Quickslot 30 7 Quickslot 32 6 Rest 1 round 2705 Rest until healed 1095 Swap weapon set 164 Use talent 12 Yell 17 Mostly used mouse to move around. Total 7633 key presses, on average 12 per minute or 0.2 per second. Total 28071 mouse clicks, on average 45 per minute or 0.8 per second. Total 35704 actions, on average 58 per minute or 1.0 per second. MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS Character's abilities were set with the point buy -method. Boosted abilities permanently 2 times. Last movement speed was 1. Had 8294 zorbits at most. Bought 56 items for 21659 zorbits. Sold 94 items for 15018 zorbits. Enchanted an armor successfully 0 out of 0 tries. Enchanted a weapon successfully 3 out of 4 tries. Had at most 5 companions. Recruited 19 companions. Tamed a creature successfully 2 out of 2 tries. Activated 0 golems. Cloned himself 1 times. Animated 6 creatures. Summoned 1274 creatures. Companions yielded 69% of combat related experience points. Drank from a well 2 times. Sat on a throne 8 times. Sat on 8 different thrones. Switch room usage counts: anchor: 1, animate: 8, block: 0, challenge: 6, clone: 1, nullify: 1, sunrise: 0, teleport: 5, wither: 1. Disabled a trap successfully 0 out of 23 tries. Yielded 0% of total experience points. Setup a trap successfully 65 out of 79 tries. CREATURES KILLED / 50%+ DAMAGED 341 50 Adamantium golem 0 1 Animated brazier 0 1 Ash mephit 1 0 Astraloth champion 1 0 Astraloth sorcerer 0 2 Astraloth warrior 1 0 Bandit 1 0 Barbed devil 1 0 Black bear 6 1 Black pudding 1 0 Bone devil 1 0 Brown bear 2 3 Chainbreaker 0 2 Chasme 3 0 Company warrior 3 0 Company wizard 1 2 Crocodile 2 0 Dagonoth 1 1 Dagonoth priest 1 0 Diseased giant rat 0 1 Drider 1 0 Drow priestess 1 0 Drow warrior 2 2 Duergar champion 0 1 Duergar king 0 1 Score unique, dungeon Duergar priest 1 0 Duergar warrior 2 3 Enormous rat 1 0 Ettin 1 0 Eye tyrant 1 0 Frost salamander 1 0 Gargoyle 1 0 Ghast 2 0 Giant bat 1 0 Giant fungus 216 0 Giant lizard 1 0 Giant spider 4 2 Gibberling 1 0 Gnoll 0 4 Goblin 2 1 Goblin archer 1 1 Goblin king 1 0 Score unique, dungeon Goblin wardrummer 0 1 Green toadaloth 0 1 Griffon 0 1 Grimlock 2 0 Harpy 1 0 Hobgoblin 4 0 Hobgoblin captain 1 0 Hobgoblin sergeant 1 0 Hobgoblin wardrummer 1 0 Hobgoblin warlord 1 0 Score unique, dungeon Homunculus 1 0 Human warrior 0 2 Human wizard 0 2 Imp 1 1 Kenku 0 1 Kobold 4 1 Kobold outcast 0 1 Kobold scout 1 0 Kobold sorcerer 1 0 Lion 2 0 Mimic 2 0 Minotaur 1 0 Mudman 1 0 Nabassu 1 0 Naga 1 0 Novice adventurer 1 0 Ogre 1 0 Orc 2 2 Orc champion 1 0 Orog 1 0 Phase spider 1 0 Roper 2 0 Sahuagin 1 1 Sentinel 1 1 Shadowcat 2 0 Shrieker fungus 7 0 Skeleton 6 1 Skeleton warrior 0 1 Slave lord 1 0 Slaver 3 0 Snake cult warrior 2 1 Snake cultist 1 0 Snakeling 1 0 Spectator 1 0 Stirge 1 0 Stone golem 1 0 Succubus 1 0 Target dummy 1 0 Thri-kreen 1 0 Tomb raider sorceress 1 1 Tomb raider warrior 0 1 Weretiger 1 0 White dragon 0 1 Wight 2 0 Wolf 1 0 Wraith 1 0 Zombie 1 0 FALLEN COMPANIONS 2024-12-13 11:40 Lenmaid the elf wizard Recruited and died on dungeon level 2 2024-12-13 11:41 Hanylain the witch Recruited on dungeon level 1, died on 2 2024-12-13 13:25 Sonraen the hermit Recruited on dungeon level 2, died on 3 2024-12-13 13:39 Rogue saint Activated and died on dungeon level 3 2024-12-13 13:53 Orangutan Tamed and died on dungeon level 3 2024-12-13 14:39 Sealruk the centaur Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 4 2024-12-13 16:22 Cilelrona the elf archer Recruited on dungeon level 2, died on 4 2024-12-13 16:33 Arwyn the dwarf Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 4 2024-12-13 17:20 Clone of Jugceln Cloned on dungeon level 4, died on 5 2024-12-13 20:20 Laumyn the dwarf Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 5 2024-12-14 13:27 Comemor the lizardman Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 6 2024-12-14 14:46 Cineidoc the lizardman Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 7 2024-12-14 14:54 Curmane the dwarf warrior Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 7 2024-12-14 18:46 Celemael the giff Recruited on dungeon level 3, died on 7 2024-12-14 19:09 Barten the centaur Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 7 2024-12-14 20:34 Sambdrak the human druid Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 8 2024-12-14 20:34 Mournmael the elf Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 8 2024-12-14 21:01 Marauni the elf Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 8 2024-12-14 21:14 Frost giant Recruited and died on dungeon level 8 2024-12-14 21:15 Canadrim the lizardman Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 8 PANTHEON AT THE END Dolnar The Undying King Yot The Dark Knight Rewroub The Wizard Gamron The Queen of Spiders Zellhen The Faceless Lord Michwan The Beauty Kekonee The Titan Hersbrot The Prince of Undeath MAP ###.......##.......##...############........ ###.....##.......##..............+.......# ###..w.#.......##...#######+####.......# ###..+.......##...# ##...###...##### ###+##.#######...# #.....##...#H..# ###................# ##.....##Y..+...# #........@£.@..Z...# #.......#...#...# ....@...S.S....@...# #.......#...##### ...######+######...# #.......#.......# . ##.S£## #...# #.......+.......# ##.£...## #S@.# #.......#........ #.......###.@.# #.......#####..|. #........Z+...# #.......# #.... #......D###...# ##..X..## #.Y.. ##.....## ##..## #.....# #.... ##@..## #...## ##...## ###.... ##### #....######### ........ ##.......#...# .. ...# ##....~.+...# ..# ###....#...# ## ###£## ### .... . # ..... ... # ....... #...##### #........ #.......# #....Y....+.......# ...#........ ..#####.... #.... ##### ###### LOG The dracolich uses the Necrotic Breath talent. You are killed! (Lightning: 19 = 22 - res 3) Someone uses a talent. You are damaged. (Fire: 8 = 11 - res 3) You drink a Potion of Extra Endurance. Your Stamina is restored 25 points. Skeleton comes into view in east at distance 6. The drider shoots an Unholy Arrow +1 at you and hits! (1 = Pierce: 0 = 4 - res 4 + Necrotic: 1 = 1 - res 0) Dracolich comes into view in east at distance 5. Someone shoots an arrow at you and hits! (3 = Pierce: 2 = 7 - res 5 + Necrotic: 1 = 1 - res 0) Someone casts a spell. You partially dodge the effect. You are damaged. (Fire: 8 = 11 - res 3) You use the Wand of Dismissing. The drow weapon master vanishes! The drow wizard vanishes! Company warrior vanishes! After losing its last charge the device crumbles to dust! Hellbeast comes into view in north at distance 7. Company warrior switches weapons to: Longbow / 4 x Unholy Arrow of Tracking +1. Someone casts a spell. The brown bear partially dodges the effect. The brown bear is killed! (Fire: 8 = 8 - res 0) You partially dodge the effect. You are damaged. (Fire: 9 = 12 - res 3) You hear someone casting a spell in east. The drow wizard shoots an Arrow of Lightning +1 at you and hits! (4 = Pierce: 4 = 9 - res 5 + Energy: 0 = 1 - res 1 + Lightning: 0 = 2 - res 2) Company warrior attacks the brown bear with a greatmace and kills it! (Blunt: 1 = 3 - res 2) Bloodlust! He seems stronger. His Stamina is restored. Company warrior uses the Dualstrike talent. The drow weapon master attacks the brown bear with the Unholy Longsword +2 and hits! (12 = Slash: 10 = 12 - res 2 + Necrotic: 2 = 2 - res 0) The drow weapon master attacks the brown bear with a large shield +2 and hits! (Blunt: 5 = 7 - res 2) The drow weapon master attacks the brown bear with the Unholy Longsword +2, but it dodges the attack. The drow weapon master attacks the brown bear with a large shield +2, but it dodges the attack. The drow weapon master uses the Multistrike talent. The brown bear bites the drow weapon master and hits! (Pierce: 0 = 6 - res 6) The brown bear claws the drow weapon master, but he blocks the attack. The brown bear bites the drow weapon master and hits! (Pierce: 3 = 9 - res 6) The brown bear claws the drow weapon master, but he blocks the attack. The brown bear claws the drow weapon master, but he blocks the attack. The drow wizard shoots an Arrow of Lightning +1 at you and hits! (1 = Pierce: 1 = 6 - res 5 + Energy: 0 = 1 - res 1 + Lightning: 0 = 2 - res 2) Company warrior attacks the brown bear with a greatmace, but it dodges the attack. Company warrior attacks the brown bear with a greatmace and hits! (Blunt: 12 = 14 - res 2) Company warrior uses the Dualstrike talent. The brown bear bites the drow weapon master, but he blocks the attack. The brown bear claws the drow weapon master, but he blocks the attack. The brown bear claws the drow weapon master, but he blocks the attack. The drow weapon master attacks the brown bear with the Unholy Longsword +2 and hits! (15 = Slash: 13 = 15 - res 2 + Necrotic: 2 = 2 - res 0) The drow weapon master attacks the brown bear with a large shield +2 and hits! (Blunt: 6 = 8 - res 2) The drow weapon master attacks the brown bear with the Unholy Longsword +2, but it dodges the attack. The drow weapon master attacks the brown bear with a large shield +2 and hits! (Blunt: 6 = 8 - res 2) The drow weapon master uses the Multistrike talent. Company warrior attacks you with a greatmace, but you parry the attack. Company warrior attacks you with a greatmace but misses. Company warrior uses the Dualstrike talent. The drow wizard shoots an Arrow of Lightning +1 at you and hits! (Pierce: 0 = 5 - res 5 + Energy: 0 = 1 - res 1 + Lightning: 0 = 2 - res 2) HISTORY 2024-12-13 11:06 00:00:00 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 009/009 Adventure started. 2024-12-13 11:08 00:02:05 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 009/009 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-12-13 11:08 00:02:19 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 003/009 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-12-13 11:08 00:02:24 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 004/009 Recruited witch Hanylain. 2024-12-13 11:08 00:02:24 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 004/009 Had 1 companion. 2024-12-13 11:08 00:02:28 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 005/009 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-12-13 11:08 00:02:38 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 006/009 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-12-13 11:10 00:04:31 carillo xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 009/009 Arrived at Carillo, the trading demiplane, for the first time. 2024-12-13 11:11 00:04:46 carillo xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 009/009 Recruited dwarf Laumyn. 2024-12-13 11:11 00:04:46 carillo xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 009/009 Had 2 companions. 2024-12-13 11:11 00:04:54 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 009/009 Returned to dungeon level 1. 2024-12-13 11:18 00:11:18 dl 1 xl 1 hp 010/011 sp 009/009 Found a Wand of Ice Storm. 2024-12-13 11:27 00:20:20 dl 1 xl 1 hp 010/011 sp 004/009 Found a Glaive of Lightning +1. 2024-12-13 11:31 00:23:49 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 009/009 Dungeon level 1 completely explored. 2024-12-13 11:31 00:24:12 carillo xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 009/009 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-13 11:32 00:25:07 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 009/009 Returned to dungeon level 1. 2024-12-13 11:32 00:25:12 dl 2 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 009/009 Arrived at dungeon level 2 for the first time. 2024-12-13 11:33 00:25:58 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 018/018 Reached experience level 2. 2024-12-13 11:34 00:26:31 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 018/018 Recruited elf wizard Lenmaid. 2024-12-13 11:34 00:26:31 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 018/018 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 11:34 00:26:37 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 018/018 Recruited elf archer Cilelrona. 2024-12-13 11:34 00:26:37 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 018/018 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-13 11:36 00:28:51 dl 2 xl 2 hp 017/018 sp 015/018 Encountered the kobold tribe leader. 2024-12-13 11:36 00:29:14 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 016/018 Companion Lenmaid defeated the kobold tribe leader. 2024-12-13 11:40 00:32:00 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 002/018 Companion Lenmaid killed by a crocodile. 2024-12-13 11:40 00:32:00 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 002/018 Lenmaid: "Help me, Jugceln, help me!" 2024-12-13 11:40 00:32:00 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 002/018 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 11:41 00:32:34 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 008/018 Companion Hanylain killed by a kobold sorcerer. 2024-12-13 11:41 00:32:34 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 008/018 Hanylain: "Aaaargh!" 2024-12-13 11:41 00:32:34 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 008/018 Had 2 companions. 2024-12-13 11:43 00:35:01 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 012/018 Found a Helm of Horns. 2024-12-13 11:44 00:35:23 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 012/018 Found a Scroll of Cold Weapon. 2024-12-13 11:44 00:36:08 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 018/018 Discovered the kobold tribe throneroom. 2024-12-13 11:50 00:41:32 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 018/018 Flicked the switch in a challenge room. 2024-12-13 11:50 00:42:06 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 018/018 Found a sling +2. 2024-12-13 11:52 00:43:27 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 018/018 Flicked the switch in a challenge room. 2024-12-13 11:55 00:46:49 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 018/018 Recruited hermit Sonraen. 2024-12-13 11:55 00:46:49 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 018/018 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 12:00 00:51:36 dl 2 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 018/027 Reached experience level 3. 2024-12-13 12:00 00:52:02 dl 2 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Found a Scroll of Fire Weapon. 2024-12-13 12:00 00:52:17 dl 2 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Enchanted Longbow +1 with a Scroll of Fire Weapon. 2024-12-13 12:01 00:52:22 dl 2 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Enchanted Shortspear +1 with a Scroll of Cold Weapon. 2024-12-13 12:03 00:55:17 dl 2 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Found a Scroll of Vampiric Weapon. 2024-12-13 12:04 00:55:30 dl 2 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Found Gauntlets of Great Reach. 2024-12-13 12:04 00:55:52 dl 2 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Enchanted Longbow of Fire +1 with a Scroll of Vampiric Weapon. 2024-12-13 13:13 01:03:30 dl 2 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Dungeon level 2 completely explored. 2024-12-13 13:14 01:04:39 carillo xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-13 13:15 01:06:13 dl 2 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Returned to dungeon level 2. 2024-12-13 13:16 01:06:26 dl 3 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Arrived at dungeon level 3 for the first time. 2024-12-13 13:21 01:12:11 dl 3 xl 3 hp 025/028 sp 004/027 Encountered the goblin king. 2024-12-13 13:22 01:12:42 dl 3 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 008/027 Discovered the throneroom of the goblin king. 2024-12-13 13:24 01:14:49 dl 3 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Encountered Rat Queen. 2024-12-13 13:24 01:14:51 dl 3 xl 3 hp 028/028 sp 027/027 Discovered the lair of the Rat Queen. 2024-12-13 13:25 01:15:44 dl 3 xl 3 hp 014/019 sp 015/018 Companion Sonraen killed by an enormous rat. 2024-12-13 13:25 01:15:44 dl 3 xl 3 hp 014/019 sp 015/018 Sonraen: "Nooooo... grlgglhh...." 2024-12-13 13:25 01:15:44 dl 3 xl 3 hp 014/019 sp 015/018 Had 2 companions. 2024-12-13 13:34 01:25:05 dl 3 xl 4 hp 025/032 sp 019/035 Reached experience level 4. 2024-12-13 13:35 01:25:49 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 035/035 Flicked the switch in an animate room. 2024-12-13 13:37 01:27:19 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 035/035 Recruited rogue saint. 2024-12-13 13:37 01:27:19 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 035/035 Had 2 companions, 1 construct. 2024-12-13 13:39 01:29:25 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 024/035 Companion rogue saint killed by the goblin king. 2024-12-13 13:39 01:29:25 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 024/035 Rogue saint: "Yet another stupid death." 2024-12-13 13:39 01:29:25 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 024/035 Had 2 companions. 2024-12-13 13:39 01:29:48 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 012/035 Defeated the goblin king. 2024-12-13 13:40 01:30:58 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 035/035 Found a Cloak of Arachnida. 2024-12-13 13:40 01:31:05 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 035/035 Found a Crown of Knowledge. 2024-12-13 13:41 01:31:07 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 035/035 Found a Ring of Wizardry. 2024-12-13 13:41 01:31:09 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 035/035 Found a shortbow +3. 2024-12-13 13:42 01:32:13 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 036/039 Found a Carillo Express Card. 2024-12-13 13:42 01:32:20 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 037/039 Found the bow Purifier +2. 2024-12-13 13:42 01:32:57 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 038/039 Found a Vampiric Longbow of Fire +1. 2024-12-13 13:44 01:34:21 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Found a longsword +2. 2024-12-13 13:45 01:35:08 carillo xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-13 13:45 01:35:14 carillo xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Recruited centaur Sealruk. 2024-12-13 13:45 01:35:14 carillo xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 13:46 01:36:29 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Returned to dungeon level 3. 2024-12-13 13:47 01:37:15 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Flicked the switch in a challenge room. 2024-12-13 13:47 01:37:36 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 036/039 Flicked the switch in a challenge room. 2024-12-13 13:47 01:37:56 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Flicked the switch in a challenge room. 2024-12-13 13:48 01:38:22 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Flicked the switch in a challenge room. 2024-12-13 13:51 01:41:30 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Tamed an orangutan. 2024-12-13 13:51 01:41:30 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-13 13:53 01:43:28 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 022/039 Companion orangutan killed by a ghast. 2024-12-13 13:53 01:43:28 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 022/039 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 14:02 01:52:37 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Tamed a cave boar. 2024-12-13 14:02 01:52:37 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-13 14:03 01:53:15 dl 3 xl 4 hp 027/032 sp 033/039 Found an Everlasting Arrow. 2024-12-13 14:05 01:55:26 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 029/039 Companion lion defeated Rat Queen. 2024-12-13 14:07 01:57:21 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Removed cave boar from the party. 2024-12-13 14:07 01:57:21 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 14:07 01:57:23 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Recruited giff Celemael. 2024-12-13 14:07 01:57:23 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-13 14:08 01:58:06 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Found a Wand of Lightning Bolt. 2024-12-13 14:08 01:58:06 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Found a Vampiric Sling +1. 2024-12-13 14:08 01:58:19 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Found a sling +2. 2024-12-13 14:08 01:58:35 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/032 sp 039/039 Found a Dagger of Lightning +1. 2024-12-13 14:10 02:00:46 dl 3 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 049/049 Reached experience level 5. 2024-12-13 14:10 02:00:46 dl 3 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 049/049 Cilelrona: "We're getting good at this!" 2024-12-13 14:19 02:05:45 dl 3 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 049/049 Found an Orb of Scrying. 2024-12-13 14:25 02:11:54 dl 3 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 045/049 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-12-13 14:28 02:15:07 dl 3 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 049/049 Dungeon level 3 completely explored. 2024-12-13 14:31 02:18:21 dl 3 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 047/049 Used a magic lamp to summon a djinni. 2024-12-13 14:32 02:18:49 carillo xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 049/049 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-13 14:34 02:21:09 carillo xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 049/049 Bought a Panther Figurine for 240 zorbits. 2024-12-13 14:34 02:21:22 carillo xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 049/049 Bought a Spider Figurine for 210 zorbits. 2024-12-13 14:34 02:21:32 dl 3 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 049/049 Returned to dungeon level 3. 2024-12-13 14:35 02:21:51 dl 4 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 049/049 Arrived at dungeon level 4 for the first time. 2024-12-13 14:38 02:24:55 dl 4 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 043/049 Encountered the orc chieftain. 2024-12-13 14:38 02:25:34 dl 4 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 037/049 Companion lion defeated the orc chieftain. 2024-12-13 14:39 02:26:32 dl 4 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 021/049 Companion Sealruk killed by poison. 2024-12-13 14:39 02:26:32 dl 4 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 021/049 Sealruk: "Help me, Jugceln, it huuuuurts!" 2024-12-13 14:39 02:26:32 dl 4 xl 5 hp 037/037 sp 021/049 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 14:45 02:31:47 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 024/055 Reached experience level 6. 2024-12-13 14:46 02:33:04 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 043/055 Found Boots of Speed +1. 2024-12-13 14:47 02:34:02 carillo xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-13 14:47 02:34:11 carillo xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Recruited lizardman Cineidoc. 2024-12-13 14:47 02:34:11 carillo xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-13 14:48 02:35:17 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Returned to dungeon level 4. 2024-12-13 15:06 02:53:10 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 044/055 Discovered the hidden tomb of Lord Kricerius. 2024-12-13 15:06 02:53:13 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 045/055 Encountered Lord Kricerius. 2024-12-13 15:08 02:55:13 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 029/055 Companion lion defeated Lord Kricerius. 2024-12-13 15:08 02:55:18 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 030/055 Found the flail Nightbringer +3. 2024-12-13 15:08 02:55:19 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 030/055 Found a Ring of Rogues +1. 2024-12-13 15:09 02:56:18 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Found a Wand of Dismissing. 2024-12-13 15:09 02:56:20 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Found a Ring of Evasion. 2024-12-13 15:09 02:56:26 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Found a Shortsword of Fire +2. 2024-12-13 16:14 03:04:23 dl 4 xl 6 hp 043/044 sp 055/055 Discovered the throneroom of the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-12-13 16:14 03:04:23 dl 4 xl 6 hp 035/044 sp 055/055 Encountered the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-12-13 16:22 03:12:16 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 005/055 Companion Cilelrona killed by the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-12-13 16:22 03:12:16 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 005/055 Cilelrona: "Aaaaah!" 2024-12-13 16:22 03:12:16 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 005/055 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 16:22 03:12:43 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 005/055 Defeated the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-12-13 16:25 03:15:32 carillo xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-13 16:25 03:15:43 carillo xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Recruited dwarf Arwyn. 2024-12-13 16:25 03:15:43 carillo xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-13 16:27 03:17:24 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Returned to dungeon level 4. 2024-12-13 16:28 03:18:20 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 052/055 Found a Cloak of the Master Rogue. 2024-12-13 16:28 03:18:22 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 052/055 Found a Crown of Leadership. 2024-12-13 16:28 03:18:23 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 052/055 Found a Ring of Cold Resistance. 2024-12-13 16:33 03:23:56 dl 4 xl 6 hp 030/044 sp 027/055 Companion Arwyn killed by a stone golem. 2024-12-13 16:33 03:23:56 dl 4 xl 6 hp 030/044 sp 027/055 Arwyn: "Noooo!" 2024-12-13 16:33 03:23:56 dl 4 xl 6 hp 030/044 sp 027/055 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 16:35 03:25:11 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Recruited giff Glomxan. 2024-12-13 16:35 03:25:11 dl 4 xl 6 hp 044/044 sp 055/055 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-13 16:37 03:26:59 dl 4 xl 7 hp 038/049 sp 052/061 Reached experience level 7. 2024-12-13 16:43 03:33:27 dl 4 xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 061/061 Flicked the switch in a nullify room. 2024-12-13 16:44 03:34:06 dl 4 xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 061/061 Found a Scroll of Darkvision. 2024-12-13 16:55 03:45:43 dl 4 xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 051/061 Discovered a hidden throneroom. 2024-12-13 16:57 03:46:55 dl 4 xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 061/061 Boosted Body-ability by sitting on a throne. 2024-12-13 17:00 03:49:53 dl 4 xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 052/061 Found an Orb of Anchoring. 2024-12-13 17:04 03:51:50 dl 4 xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 061/061 Discovered a hidden cloning chamber. 2024-12-13 17:07 03:54:28 dl 4 xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 061/061 Cloned himself in a cloning chamber. 2024-12-13 17:07 03:54:28 dl 4 xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 061/061 Had 4 companions, 1 clone. 2024-12-13 17:11 03:58:37 dl 4 xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 061/061 Dungeon level 4 completely explored. 2024-12-13 17:14 04:01:54 carillo xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 048/061 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-13 17:18 04:04:50 carillo xl 7 hp 049/049 sp 061/061 Bought an Amulet of Yendor for 1500 zorbits. 2024-12-13 17:18 04:05:24 dl 4 xl 7 hp 056/056 sp 061/061 Returned to dungeon level 4. 2024-12-13 17:19 04:06:02 dl 5 xl 7 hp 056/056 sp 061/061 Arrived at dungeon level 5 for the first time. 2024-12-13 17:20 04:07:17 dl 5 xl 7 hp 056/056 sp 050/061 Companion clone of Jugceln killed by a babau. 2024-12-13 17:20 04:07:17 dl 5 xl 7 hp 056/056 sp 050/061 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-13 19:20 04:22:58 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 049/069 Reached experience level 8. 2024-12-13 19:30 04:29:43 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Found a Wand of Disrupt Undead. 2024-12-13 19:35 04:34:31 dl 5 xl 8 hp 054/060 sp 026/069 Found a Robe of Protection +3. 2024-12-13 19:35 04:34:59 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 032/069 Found an Unholy Scimitar +3. 2024-12-13 19:37 04:36:34 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 045/069 Encountered the myconid sovereign. 2024-12-13 20:04 04:54:47 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Found a Longbow of Lightning +2. 2024-12-13 20:08 04:58:46 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 024/069 Discovered the bandit headquarters. 2024-12-13 20:10 05:01:16 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Found a Holy Shortbow +2. 2024-12-13 20:12 05:03:09 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 058/069 Found a Scroll of Activate Golem. 2024-12-13 20:20 05:11:03 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 034/069 Companion Laumyn killed by a mimic. 2024-12-13 20:20 05:11:03 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 034/069 Laumyn: "Aaaah!" 2024-12-13 20:20 05:11:03 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 034/069 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 20:22 05:12:47 carillo xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-13 20:22 05:13:04 carillo xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Recruited lizardman Comemor. 2024-12-13 20:22 05:13:04 carillo xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-13 20:23 05:14:07 carillo xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Bought an Elixir of Talent for 1600 zorbits. 2024-12-13 20:23 05:14:11 carillo xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Gained a talent by drinking an elixir. 2024-12-13 20:25 05:15:51 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Returned to dungeon level 5. 2024-12-13 20:26 05:17:05 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Found an Unholy Maul of Acid +2. 2024-12-13 20:28 05:19:11 dl 5 xl 8 hp 060/060 sp 069/069 Discovered a hidden well. 2024-12-13 20:33 05:23:32 dl 5 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 050/076 Reached experience level 9. 2024-12-13 20:34 05:24:10 dl 5 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 057/076 Found an Orb of Blocking. 2024-12-13 20:36 05:26:21 dl 5 xl 9 hp 059/066 sp 014/076 Found a Ring of Bones. 2024-12-13 20:37 05:28:02 dl 5 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Found a Tomb Raiders Guild Card. 2024-12-13 20:37 05:28:02 dl 5 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Found a Dagger of Cold +2. 2024-12-13 20:39 05:29:15 carillo xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-13 20:40 05:30:13 carillo xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Removed lizardman Cineidoc from the party. 2024-12-13 20:40 05:30:13 carillo xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-13 20:40 05:30:18 carillo xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Recruited human druid Sambdrak. 2024-12-13 20:40 05:30:18 carillo xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-13 20:41 05:31:14 dl 5 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Returned to dungeon level 5. 2024-12-13 20:42 05:32:31 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Arrived at dungeon level 6 for the first time. 2024-12-13 20:45 05:35:24 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 000/076 Found a Greatmace of Energy +2. 2024-12-13 21:07 05:45:56 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 068/076 Saved game. (1) 2024-12-14 13:11 05:45:56 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 068/076 Loaded game. 2024-12-14 13:16 05:50:49 carillo xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-14 13:18 05:52:13 carillo xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Bought a Belt of Inertial Barrier for 1300 zorbits. 2024-12-14 13:19 05:53:05 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Returned to dungeon level 6. 2024-12-14 13:23 05:57:38 dl 6 xl 9 hp 065/066 sp 028/076 Encountered the dagonoth archpriest. 2024-12-14 13:24 05:58:46 dl 6 xl 9 hp 063/066 sp 010/076 Discovered the throneroom of the dagonoth. 2024-12-14 13:27 06:01:12 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 000/076 Companion Comemor killed by poison. 2024-12-14 13:27 06:01:12 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 000/076 Comemor: "Jugceln... grlggghhh..." 2024-12-14 13:27 06:01:12 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 000/076 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-14 13:27 06:01:21 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 000/076 Companion brown bear defeated the dagonoth archpriest. 2024-12-14 13:29 06:03:20 carillo xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 074/076 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-14 13:29 06:03:31 carillo xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Recruited lizardman Cineidoc. 2024-12-14 13:29 06:03:31 carillo xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-14 13:30 06:04:14 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Returned to dungeon level 6. 2024-12-14 13:32 06:06:19 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Found a studded armor +2. 2024-12-14 13:39 06:10:58 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 046/076 Found a Wand of Chain Lightning. 2024-12-14 13:39 06:11:01 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 047/076 Found Goggles of Night. 2024-12-14 13:40 06:12:05 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 048/076 Found a Helm of Horns. 2024-12-14 13:40 06:12:09 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 048/076 Found a trident +3. 2024-12-14 13:45 06:16:36 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 071/076 Found a Scroll of Returning Shield. 2024-12-14 13:47 06:19:11 dl 6 xl 9 hp 066/066 sp 076/076 Flicked the switch in a wither room. 2024-12-14 13:59 06:30:22 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 058/082 Reached experience level 10. 2024-12-14 14:02 06:34:00 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Flicked the switch in an animate room. 2024-12-14 14:04 06:35:11 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 066/082 Flicked the switch in an animate room. 2024-12-14 14:04 06:35:14 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 066/082 Flicked the switch in an animate room. 2024-12-14 14:04 06:35:16 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 066/082 Flicked the switch in an animate room. 2024-12-14 14:04 06:35:17 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 067/082 Flicked the switch in an animate room. 2024-12-14 14:23 06:50:47 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 079/082 Found Boots of Domination. 2024-12-14 14:23 06:51:18 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 076/082 Found a Wand of Web. 2024-12-14 14:26 06:54:03 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 039/082 Found a Cloak of Protection. 2024-12-14 14:28 06:56:21 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 067/082 Found an Everlasting Bullet +1. 2024-12-14 14:30 06:58:38 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Found a Wand of Acid Cloud. 2024-12-14 14:31 06:59:02 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Found a bardiche +4. 2024-12-14 14:31 06:59:05 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Found a longbow +4. 2024-12-14 14:33 07:01:11 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Found a Wand of Poison Cloud. 2024-12-14 14:34 07:01:44 carillo xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-14 14:34 07:02:32 carillo xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Removed giff Glomxan from the party. 2024-12-14 14:34 07:02:32 carillo xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-14 14:35 07:02:36 carillo xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Recruited centaur Barten. 2024-12-14 14:35 07:02:36 carillo xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-14 14:42 07:09:40 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Returned to dungeon level 6. 2024-12-14 14:44 07:12:00 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Flicked the switch in an animate room. 2024-12-14 14:44 07:12:02 dl 6 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Flicked the switch in an animate room. 2024-12-14 14:45 07:12:43 dl 7 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Arrived at dungeon level 7 for the first time. 2024-12-14 14:46 07:13:55 dl 7 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 070/082 Companion Cineidoc killed by poison. 2024-12-14 14:46 07:13:55 dl 7 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 070/082 Cineidoc: "Noooo!" 2024-12-14 14:46 07:13:55 dl 7 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 070/082 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-14 14:50 07:17:45 dl 7 xl 10 hp 060/071 sp 023/082 Discovered the throneroom of the duergar king. 2024-12-14 14:50 07:17:45 dl 7 xl 10 hp 060/071 sp 023/082 Encountered the duergar king. 2024-12-14 14:51 07:18:37 carillo xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 051/082 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-14 14:51 07:18:53 carillo xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 055/082 Recruited dwarf warrior Curmane. 2024-12-14 14:51 07:18:53 carillo xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 055/082 Had 4 companions. 2024-12-14 14:53 07:20:52 dl 7 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Returned to dungeon level 7. 2024-12-14 14:54 07:22:14 dl 7 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 036/082 Companion Curmane killed by an erinyes. 2024-12-14 14:54 07:22:14 dl 7 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 036/082 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-14 16:30 07:40:59 dl 7 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 082/082 Discovered the hidden lair of the clonomancer. 2024-12-14 16:31 07:41:21 dl 7 xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 058/082 Companion Celemael defeated a clonomancer. 2024-12-14 16:38 07:48:58 carillo xl 10 hp 071/071 sp 056/082 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-14 16:40 07:50:53 carillo xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 020/087 Reached experience level 11. 2024-12-14 16:42 07:52:40 carillo xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Bought a Wand of Shatter for 810 zorbits. 2024-12-14 16:44 07:54:27 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Returned to dungeon level 7. 2024-12-14 16:46 07:56:11 dl 7 xl 11 hp 072/076 sp 055/087 Companion brown bear defeated the duergar king. 2024-12-14 16:46 07:56:11 dl 7 xl 11 hp 072/076 sp 055/087 The duergar king is resurrected by using the Die Hard talent! 2024-12-14 16:46 07:56:12 dl 7 xl 11 hp 072/076 sp 055/087 Saw a brown bear kill the duergar king. 2024-12-14 16:46 07:56:33 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 059/087 Found an Amulet of Power. 2024-12-14 16:46 07:56:34 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 059/087 Found Boots of Mobility. 2024-12-14 18:35 08:11:43 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Found a Scroll of Enchant Weapon. 2024-12-14 18:36 08:12:12 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Destroyed Purifier +2 when trying to enchant it with a Scroll of Enchant Weapon. 2024-12-14 18:37 08:13:08 carillo xl 11 hp 066/076 sp 082/087 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-14 18:38 08:14:12 carillo xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Bought a Holy Longbow of Acid +1 for 1700 zorbits. 2024-12-14 18:39 08:15:11 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Returned to dungeon level 7. 2024-12-14 18:41 08:17:51 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 081/087 Discovered the slaver headquarters. 2024-12-14 18:46 08:22:42 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 009/087 Companion Celemael killed by a white dragon. 2024-12-14 18:46 08:22:42 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 009/087 Celemael: "Aaaah!" 2024-12-14 18:46 08:22:42 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 009/087 Had 2 companions. 2024-12-14 18:48 08:24:34 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Found Bracers of Archery +2. 2024-12-14 18:48 08:24:38 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Found the whip Scourge of the Slave Lords +2. 2024-12-14 18:48 08:24:39 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Found an Unholy Longbow +3. 2024-12-14 18:55 08:31:13 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Found an Elixir of Motion. 2024-12-14 18:55 08:31:13 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Found a Wand of Charming. 2024-12-14 18:55 08:31:16 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Found Shield of the Sun +2. 2024-12-14 18:55 08:31:18 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Found Goggles of Marksmanship. 2024-12-14 18:59 08:35:38 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 067/087 Found a plate armor +3. 2024-12-14 19:02 08:38:36 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Found a Scroll of Holy Weapon. 2024-12-14 19:09 08:45:35 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 081/087 Companion Barten killed by an eye tyrant. 2024-12-14 19:09 08:45:35 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 081/087 Had 1 companion. 2024-12-14 19:19 08:55:42 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Flicked the switch in an anchor room. 2024-12-14 19:27 09:03:44 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 031/087 Found a Holy Sling of Acid +2. 2024-12-14 19:27 09:03:45 dl 7 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 031/087 Found a Rapier of Energy +3. 2024-12-14 19:29 09:05:11 dl 8 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Arrived at dungeon level 8 for the first time. 2024-12-14 19:29 09:05:28 carillo xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-14 19:30 09:06:04 carillo xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 086/087 Recruited lizardman Canadrim. 2024-12-14 19:30 09:06:04 carillo xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 086/087 Had 2 companions. 2024-12-14 19:31 09:07:12 dl 8 xl 11 hp 076/076 sp 087/087 Returned to dungeon level 8. 2024-12-14 19:39 09:15:23 carillo xl 11 hp 069/076 sp 008/087 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-14 20:14 09:16:51 carillo xl 12 hp 074/080 sp 003/096 Reached experience level 12. 2024-12-14 20:17 09:19:53 carillo xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 094/096 Bought a Ring of Regeneration for 6500 zorbits. 2024-12-14 20:18 09:20:52 carillo xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 096/096 Recruited elf Mournmael. 2024-12-14 20:18 09:20:52 carillo xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 096/096 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-14 20:19 09:21:50 carillo xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 096/096 Bought a Wand of Knock for 680 zorbits. 2024-12-14 20:20 09:22:25 carillo xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 096/096 Boosted Motion-ability by drinking an elixir. 2024-12-14 20:20 09:22:40 dl 8 xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 096/096 Returned to dungeon level 8. 2024-12-14 20:34 09:36:13 dl 8 xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 003/096 Companion Sambdrak killed by the drow matron mother. 2024-12-14 20:34 09:36:13 dl 8 xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 003/096 Had 2 companions. 2024-12-14 20:34 09:36:24 dl 8 xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 004/096 Companion Mournmael killed by a brown bear. 2024-12-14 20:34 09:36:24 dl 8 xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 004/096 Had 1 companion. 2024-12-14 20:38 09:40:18 carillo xl 12 hp 075/080 sp 019/096 Returned to Carillo. 2024-12-14 20:38 09:40:51 carillo xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 015/096 Recruited elf Marauni. 2024-12-14 20:38 09:40:51 carillo xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 015/096 Had 2 companions. 2024-12-14 20:39 09:41:47 dl 8 xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 039/096 Returned to dungeon level 8. 2024-12-14 20:52 09:54:48 dl 8 xl 12 hp 041/080 sp 009/096 Discovered a prison ruled by drow. 2024-12-14 20:55 09:57:47 dl 8 xl 12 hp 073/080 sp 041/096 Encountered the drow matron mother. 2024-12-14 20:57 10:00:01 dl 8 xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 096/096 Recruited frost giant Lozyur. 2024-12-14 20:57 10:00:01 dl 8 xl 12 hp 080/080 sp 096/096 Had 3 companions. 2024-12-14 21:01 10:03:57 dl 8 xl 12 hp 065/080 sp 026/096 Companion Marauni killed by poison. 2024-12-14 21:01 10:03:57 dl 8 xl 12 hp 065/080 sp 026/096 Marauni: "Aaaah!" 2024-12-14 21:01 10:03:57 dl 8 xl 12 hp 065/080 sp 026/096 Had 2 companions. 2024-12-14 21:09 10:11:38 dl 8 xl 12 hp 075/080 sp 035/096 Encountered the drow weapon master. 2024-12-14 21:12 10:14:14 dl 8 xl 12 hp 075/080 sp 003/096 Discovered the throneroom of the drow matron mother. 2024-12-14 21:14 10:16:48 dl 8 xl 12 hp 032/080 sp 047/096 Companion frost giant killed by a drow wizard. 2024-12-14 21:14 10:16:48 dl 8 xl 12 hp 032/080 sp 047/096 Had 1 companion. 2024-12-14 21:15 10:17:49 dl 8 xl 12 hp 069/080 sp 020/096 Companion Canadrim killed by a skeleton. 2024-12-14 21:15 10:17:49 dl 8 xl 12 hp 069/080 sp 020/096 Had no companions. 2024-12-14 21:16 10:18:43 dl 8 xl 12 hp 000/080 sp 027/096 Killed by a dracolich.