ZORBUS obituary Release 60 2024-11-08 19:43 Playtime 06:18:24 FARGORM Elf male, level 11 Killed by Magyarix. SCORE points factor base 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C Z Exploration 2069 20% 10000 99% 100% 94% 93% 99% 99% 3% . . . . . Creatures defeated 2037 20% 10000 100% 100% 78% 75% 88% 95% 26% . . . . . Uniques defeated, dungeon 3125 5 of 16 10000 . 1 2 1 . 1 . . . . . . Uniques defeated, demiplanes 0 0 of 16 40000 . . . . . . . . . . . . Total 7231 LEVEL explored secrets found time spent kills total xp combat skills explore other actions/s Level 1 99% 1 of 2 50% 00:19:16 40 2148 2128 20 . . 1.8 Level 2 100% 5 of 5 100% 00:19:47 15 5967 4967 . 1000 . 1.3 Level 3 94% 3 of 10 30% 00:52:04 53 15616 15616 . . . 1.3 Level 4 93% 3 of 14 21% 00:59:36 68 21566 21486 80 . . 1.3 Level 5 99% 19 of 20 95% 00:59:01 91 35414 35324 90 . . 1.2 Level 6 99% 11 of 14 78% 01:20:34 143 56059 55129 930 . . 1.4 Level 7 3% 0 of 4 0% 00:04:34 5 3261 3261 . . . 0.7 Carillo . . . . 01:23:32 . . . . . . 0.7 Total 86% 42 of 69 60% 06:18:24 415 140031 137911 1120 1000 0 1.2 HEALTH 70 STAMINA 98 ABILITIES total = base + items + temp mod 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Body 11 = 11 + 0 + 0 0 11 . . . . . . . . . . 11 Motion 21 = 18 + 3 + 0 5 17 . . . . . . . . 18 . 18 Mind 14 = 14 + 0 + 0 2 13 . . . . . . . . 14 . 14 Spirit 17 = 16 + 1 + 0 3 14 . . . . 15 . . . 16 . 16 Character's abilities were randomly rolled with 9 rerolls. SKILLS total = base + mod + items + temp 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Disable 5 = 0 + 5 + 0 + 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 Dodge 9 = 4 + 5 + 0 + 0 0 . . 1 . . 2 . . . . 4 Magic -1 = 2 + 2 + -5 + 0 0 . . . . . . . 2 . . 2 Melee 5 = 0 + 5 + 0 + 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 Ranged 11 = 6 + 5 + 0 + 0 2 . . 3 . 4 . . 5 . 6 6 Search 3 = 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 Stealth 13 = 4 + 5 + 4 + 0 2 . . . . . 3 . . . 4 4 RESISTANCES total = base + items + temp Blunt 6 = 0 + 6 + 0 Pierce 6 = 0 + 6 + 0 Slash 6 = 0 + 6 + 0 Mental 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Energy 8 = 0 + 8 + 0 Fire 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Cold 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Lightning 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Acid 8 = 0 + 8 + 0 Sonic 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Poison 4 = 0 + 4 + 0 Holy 99 = 99 + 0 + 0 Necrotic 14 = 0 + 0 + 14 BEST WEAPON DPR PER EXPERIENCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Melee weapon 3.8 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.5 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 8.1 Ranged weapon 2.9 3.4 7.1 9.6 10.1 10.8 10.8 9.8 13.6 11.7 14.5 TALENTS gained at level uses Close Combat Ranged 1 0 Animal Friend 1 0 One with Darkness 1 0 Dualshot 4 1039 Ranged Elemental Damage 8 0 Expert Enchanter 8 0 Improved Ranged Criticals 11 0 STATES Necrotic-resistance increased Regenerating Health Anchored (can not blink / teleport) Immune to disease Immune to web EQUIPMENT found in level Head Golden helmet 2 Back Cloak of Arachnida 4 Body Studded armor +2 3 Waist Belt of Inertial Barrier 3 Feet Boots of Stealth +2 2 Forearms Bracers of Quickness +2 C Hands - - Neck Amulet of Health 3 Finger Ring of Acid Resistance 2 Finger Ring of Energy Resistance 3 Eyes - - Lightsource - - Set 1 main-hand Vampiric Returning Dagger +3 3 Damage = 4-8 (Pierce: 1d5+3 / Slash: 1d5+3) Set 1 off-hand Small shield +2 6 Set 2 main-hand Holy Vamp Bow of C/L/A/S +2 1 Damage = 5 (Cold: 1, Lightning: 1, Acid: 1, Sonic: 1, Holy: 1) Set 2 off-hand - - Quiver Arrow of Cold +3 (2) 4 INVENTORY found in level Arrow (1101) 1 Arrow +2 (20) 6 Arrow +4 (24) 6 Arrow of Anchoring +2 (2) 5 Arrow of Energy +2 (10) 6 Arrow of Energy/Anchoring +2 (4) 6 Arrow of Extinguishing (5) 4 Arrow of Fire +1 (20) 4 Arrow of Fire +1 (7) 5 Arrow of Impact +1 (9) 4 Arrow of Lightning +1 (72) C Arrow of Lightning +2 (7) 6 Arrow of Poison (14) 5 Arrow of Poison +1 (16) 6 Arrow of Poison +2 (3) 5 Arrow of Slime +1 (6) 6 Arrow of Slime +2 (5) 5 Arrow of Tracking +1 (3) 5 Arrow of Withering +1 (6) 5 Carillo Express Card 6 Diary of the Depressed Demigod 7 Flask of Anchoring 3 Flask of Poison (2) C Flask of Slime 6 Holy Arrow +2 (16) 4 Kit of Acid trap (4) 4 Kit of Animate trap (6) 2 Kit of Dismiss trap (5) 3 Kit of Fire Ball trap (3) 5 Kit of Slime trap (2) 2 Kit of Sonic Burst trap 4 Kit of Summon Animals trap (4) 2 Kit of Summon Elemental trap (2) 4 Kit of Web trap (2) 4 Lantern of Revealing 6 Panther Figurine 5 Potion of Acid Resistance 5 Potion of Antidote (13) 3 Potion of Blink (15) C Potion of Cold Resistance (2) 3 Potion of Endurance (5) 2 Potion of Energy Resistance 4 Potion of Extra Endurance (12) 4 Potion of Extra Healing (4) 2 Potion of Heroism (7) 3 Potion of Holiness 3 Potion of Invulnerability (2) 4 Potion of Lightning Resistance 4 Potion of Mental Resistance (2) 4 Potion of Regeneration (3) 2 Potion of Stalking 6 Potion of Superior Endurance (10) 5 Ring of Fire Resistance 6 Tomb Raiders Guild Card 5 Unholy Arrow +1 (44) 5 Unholy Arrow +2 (69) 3 Unholy Arrow of Acid +1 (23) 4 Unholy Arrow of Cold +3 (4) 6 Unholy Arrow of Energy +3 (31) 5 Unholy Arrow of Fire +2 (17) 6 Unholy Arrow of Slime +1 (18) 4 Wand of Fire Ball 6 Wand of Poison Cloud 6 Wand of Summon Elemental 6 Zorbits (11672) 2 DEVICE USES 82 Bronze Horn 2 Elixir of Ability 1 Elixir of Mind 1 Elixir of Spirit 2 Elixir of Talent 1 Flask of Poison 1 Golden Horn 1 Horn of Blasting 2 Kit of Summon Animals trap 2 Kit of Summon Elemental trap 3 Panther Figurine 1 Potion of Antidote 1 Potion of Blink 12 Potion of Bull's Strength 1 Potion of Endurance 1 Potion of Extra Endurance 2 Potion of Extra Healing 9 Potion of Fire Resistance 1 Potion of Healing 2 Potion of Holiness 1 Potion of Invulnerability 1 Potion of Regeneration 1 Potion of Superior Healing 5 Potion of True Seeing 2 Scroll of Acid Weapon 3 Scroll of Cold Weapon 2 Scroll of Disjunction 2 Scroll of Enchant Armor 1 Scroll of Enchant Weapon 4 Scroll of Holy Weapon 1 Scroll of Lightning Weapon 2 Scroll of Magic Mapping 2 Scroll of Returning Weapon 1 Scroll of Sonic Weapon 2 Scroll of Vampiric Weapon 3 Wand of Lightning Bolt 3 COMMANDS 21612 Autoexplore 700 Autopilot / Level map 63 Block / unblock area 3 Character sheet 84 Display log 3 Fire ranged 74 Full rest 1 Game menu 46 Get items from current location 41 Inventory 315 Loot items from level 144 Move / attack east 4396 Move / attack north 3681 Move / attack northeast 495 Move / attack northwest 501 Move / attack south 3867 Move / attack southeast 438 Move / attack southwest 434 Move / attack west 4168 Quickslot 01 1131 Quickslot 02 1 Quickslot 03 2 Quickslot 08 1 Quickslot 11 111 Quickslot 12 12 Quickslot 13 3 Quickslot 14 1 Quickslot 15 1 Quickslot 16 2 Quickslot 17 1 Quickslot 18 5 Quickslot 20 4 Rest 1 round 275 Rest until healed 3 Rest until restored 258 Scroll log down 304 Scroll log up 4 Set map point 2 Swap ammunition 1 Swap weapon set 25 Toggle companions list 2 Use talent 6 Yell 3 Mostly used arrow keys to move around. Total 22630 key presses, on average 60 per minute or 1.0 per second. Total 4452 mouse clicks, on average 12 per minute or 0.2 per second. Total 27082 actions, on average 72 per minute or 1.2 per second. MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS Character's abilities were randomly rolled (9 rerolls). Boosted abilities permanently 4 times. Last movement speed was 5. Had 11672 zorbits at most. Bought 129 items for 11634 zorbits. Sold 66 items for 17422 zorbits. Enchanted an armor successfully 1 out of 1 tries. Enchanted a weapon successfully 17 out of 18 tries. Had at most 3 companions. Recruited 7 companions. Tamed a creature successfully 7 out of 7 tries. Activated 0 golems. Cloned himself 0 times. Animated 0 creatures. Summoned 8 creatures. Companions yielded 6% of combat related experience points. Drank from a well 0 times. Sat on a throne 9 times. Sat on 5 different thrones. Switch room usage counts: anchor: 0, animate: 0, block: 0, challenge: 2, clone: 0, nullify: 0, sunrise: 1, teleport: 2, wither: 0. Disabled a trap successfully 0 out of 0 tries. Yielded 0% of total experience points. Setup a trap successfully 4 out of 6 tries. Unlocked Steam achievements: Fish Dish, Epic Enchanter, Purple Reign, Dungeon 7 CREATURES KILLED / 50%+ DAMAGED 415 32 Animated brazier 6 0 Ash mephit 1 0 Astraloth champion 2 0 Astraloth sorcerer 3 0 Astraloth warrior 5 0 Babau 1 0 Bandit 4 1 Bandit leader 1 0 Barbed devil 1 0 Barlgura 2 0 Beetlurkh 1 0 Black pudding 3 0 Blue toadaloth 1 0 Bugbear 0 4 Bullywug 2 0 Chainbreaker 4 0 Chasme 3 0 Clay golem 2 0 Company warrior 9 0 Company wizard 3 0 Corrupted treant 1 0 Crocodile 1 0 Cyclops 1 0 Dagonoth 12 0 Dagonoth archpriest 1 0 Score unique, dungeon Dagonoth priest 3 0 Deathcap myconid 3 0 Derro 1 1 Diseased giant rat 3 1 Doomdreamer 2 0 Dretch 1 0 Drow warrior 3 1 Duergar priest 3 0 Duergar warrior 6 0 Dustdigger 2 1 Enormous rat 6 0 Erinyes 1 0 Ettercap 0 1 Fire mephit 1 0 Flumph 0 1 Frost salamander 1 0 Gargoyle 1 0 Gelatinous cube 9 1 Ghast 8 0 Ghoul 6 0 Giant bat 0 1 Giant beetle 1 0 Giant bombardier beetle 1 0 Giant cave lizard 4 0 Giant centipede 1 1 Giant crocodile 1 0 Giant fungus 10 0 Giant leech 1 0 Giant lizard 3 0 Giant rat 11 0 Giant snake 12 0 Giant spider 6 0 Giant stag beetle 1 0 Giant worm 1 0 Gnoll 7 0 Gnoll leader 1 0 Goblin 1 1 Goblin king 0 1 Score unique, dungeon Goblin outcast 3 0 Goblin shaman 2 0 Goblin warrior 2 0 Gray ooze 12 0 Gremlin 1 0 Grimlock 1 0 Harpy 1 0 Hellephant 0 1 High Priest of the Chained God 1 0 Hobgoblin 5 3 Hobgoblin captain 2 1 Hobgoblin sergeant 1 1 Hobgoblin wardrummer 1 0 Hobgoblin warlord 0 1 Score unique, dungeon Homunculus 1 0 Homunculus 2 0 Human warrior 10 0 Human wizard 11 1 Imp 1 0 Jermlaine 4 0 Jumping spider 3 0 Kenku 1 0 Kobold 6 0 Kobold outcast 1 0 Kobold patrol leader 1 0 Kobold sorcerer 0 1 Lion 2 0 Living statue 1 0 Manes 1 0 Manticore 2 0 Mimic 6 0 Mudman 3 0 Mummy 3 0 Naga 1 0 Novice adventurer 2 0 Ogre 4 1 Orc 3 2 Orc chieftain 1 0 Orc shaman 4 0 Orc wardrummer 1 0 Orog 5 0 Quasit 4 1 Rat Queen 1 0 Score unique, dungeon Red toadaloth 2 0 Roper 3 0 Sahuagin 4 0 Sentinel 1 0 Shadow 2 0 Shadowcat 1 0 Shrieker fungus 7 0 Skeleton 8 1 Skeleton warrior 7 0 Slaver 1 0 Snake cult warrior 2 0 Snake cultist 3 0 Snakeling 6 0 Spectator 2 0 Spectre 2 0 Spiderling 1 0 Spined devil 3 0 Spirit warrior 1 0 Stirge 2 0 Stone golem 2 0 Thri-kreen 4 1 Tomb raider warrior 1 0 Troll 3 0 Vampiric wolf 1 0 Vrock 1 0 Wererat 4 0 Werewolf 3 0 Wight 3 0 Winter wolf 3 0 Wolf 3 0 Wolverine 3 0 Worg 4 1 Wraith 1 0 Wyvern 3 0 Xorn 1 0 Xvart 1 0 Young thief 4 0 Zombie 3 0 FALLEN COMPANIONS 2024-11-07 19:05 Elephant Tamed on dungeon level 1, died on 3 2024-11-07 19:06 Elephant Tamed on dungeon level 2, died on 3 2024-11-07 21:43 Direphant Tamed and died on dungeon level 3 2024-11-07 22:28 Bebelirhina the elf wizard Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 4 2024-11-07 22:42 Menthur the mean-looking mercenary Recruited and died on dungeon level 4 2024-11-07 22:57 Unicorn Tamed and died on dungeon level 4 2024-11-07 23:05 Brown bear Tamed and died on dungeon level 4 2024-11-07 23:09 Cave bear Tamed and died on dungeon level 4 2024-11-07 23:18 Jelly Recruited and died on dungeon level 4 2024-11-07 23:52 Rogue saint Activated and died on dungeon level 5 2024-11-08 10:37 Savblut the giff Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 5 2024-11-08 10:37 Abrhath the centaur Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 5 2024-11-08 10:45 Cave gorilla Tamed and died on dungeon level 5 PANTHEON AT THE END Keenoek The Titan Bruroew The Wizard Brethsro The Prince of Undeath Ladorn The Undying King Gamron The Queen of Spiders Wamcinh The Beauty Stepsonhen The Faceless Lord Yot The Dark Knight MAP ####### #.......# +..0....# #.......# ##### #.......###...## #..Y0...##.....## #.....0.#.......# #.......+.......# #@.0...@#.......# #.@.....##.....## ##+#########...## #.. ##### ... .... .... ..... ..... #....Y ##.... #..... #.... .... +... .#... LOG Magyarix shoots an Arrow of Slime +2 at you and kills you! (Pierce: 7 = 13 - res 6) A pool of slime appears! Bloodlust! She seems stronger. Her Stamina is restored. Marabellix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Fire +2 at you and hits! (2 = Pierce: 0 = 5 - res 5 + Fire: 2 = 2 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 3 - res 3) The slime vanishes. Magyarix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Lightning +2 at you and hits! (9 = Pierce: 6 = 12 - res 6 + Lightning: 3 = 3 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 2 - res 2) You fail to move through the slime. You are caught in the slime. Marabellix shoots an Unholy Arrow of F/Anch +2 at you and hits! (6 = Pierce: 4 = 10 - res 6 + Fire: 2 = 2 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 3 - res 3) You are anchored (you can not blink or teleport for the duration of the effect)! You fail to move through the slime. You are caught in the slime. You are caught in the slime. You are no longer anchored. Magyarix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Lightning +2 at you and hits! (10 = Pierce: 7 = 13 - res 6 + Lightning: 3 = 3 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 2 - res 2) Marabellix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Fire +2 at you and hits! (6 = Pierce: 4 = 10 - res 6 + Fire: 2 = 2 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 3 - res 3) You fail to move through the slime. You are caught in the slime. You fail to move through the slime. You are caught in the slime. Magyarix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Lightning +2 at you and hits! (7 = Pierce: 4 = 10 - res 6 + Lightning: 3 = 3 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 2 - res 2) Marabellix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Fire +2 at you and hits! (3 = Pierce: 1 = 7 - res 6 + Fire: 2 = 2 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 3 - res 3) Magyarix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Lightning +2 at you and hits! (9 = Pierce: 6 = 12 - res 6 + Lightning: 3 = 3 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 2 - res 2) Marabellix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Fire +2 at you and hits! (2 = Pierce: 0 = 6 - res 6 + Fire: 2 = 2 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 3 - res 3) You are immune to disease for 26 rounds. You are caught in the slime. You drink a Potion of Extra Healing. Your Health is restored 25 points. You are caught in the slime. You fail to move through the slime. You are caught in the slime. Magyarix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Lightning +2 at you and hits! (8 = Pierce: 5 = 11 - res 6 + Lightning: 3 = 3 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 2 - res 2) Marabellix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Fire +2 at you and hits! (2 = Pierce: 0 = 5 - res 5 + Fire: 2 = 2 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 3 - res 3) You fail to move through the slime. You are caught in the slime. Magyarix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Lightning +2 at you and hits! (8 = Pierce: 5 = 11 - res 6 + Lightning: 3 = 3 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 2 - res 2) You fail to move through the slime. You are caught in the slime. Marabellix shoots an Unholy Arrow of Fire +2 at you and hits! (3 = Pierce: 1 = 7 - res 6 + Fire: 2 = 2 - res 0 + Necrotic: 0 = 3 - res 3) You fail to move through the slime. HISTORY 2024-11-07 18:09 00:00:00 dl 1 xl 1 hp 012/012 sp 010/010 Adventure started. 2024-11-07 18:22 00:13:07 dl 1 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Reached experience level 2. 2024-11-07 18:27 00:17:52 carillo xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Arrived at Carillo, the trading demiplane, for the first time. 2024-11-07 18:28 00:18:46 dl 1 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Returned to dungeon level 1. 2024-11-07 18:28 00:19:06 dl 1 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-11-07 18:29 00:19:09 dl 1 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-11-07 18:29 00:19:19 dl 1 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Tamed an elephant. 2024-11-07 18:29 00:19:19 dl 1 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-07 18:30 00:20:10 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Arrived at dungeon level 2 for the first time. 2024-11-07 18:30 00:20:30 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/020 sp 020/020 Discovered a rogues' gallery, an area filled with statues of great men. 2024-11-07 18:32 00:22:17 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Tamed an elephant. 2024-11-07 18:32 00:22:17 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Had 2 companions. 2024-11-07 18:36 00:26:56 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Discovered the kobold tribe throneroom. 2024-11-07 18:36 00:26:58 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Encountered the kobold tribe leader. 2024-11-07 18:37 00:27:55 dl 2 xl 2 hp 019/020 sp 020/020 Found a Scroll of Cold Weapon. 2024-11-07 18:37 00:27:57 dl 2 xl 2 hp 019/020 sp 020/020 Found a Ring of Acid Resistance. 2024-11-07 18:38 00:28:10 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Companion elephant defeated the kobold tribe leader. 2024-11-07 18:38 00:28:14 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Found an Amulet of Power. 2024-11-07 18:38 00:28:14 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Found Boots of Stealth +2. 2024-11-07 18:38 00:28:16 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 020/020 Found a shortsword +3. 2024-11-07 18:39 00:29:17 dl 2 xl 2 hp 020/020 sp 022/022 Found a Vampiric Sling of Acid +1. 2024-11-07 18:39 00:29:54 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Reached experience level 3. 2024-11-07 18:39 00:29:57 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Found a Wand of Lightning Bolt. 2024-11-07 18:41 00:31:54 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Found a Scroll of Darkvision. 2024-11-07 18:43 00:33:45 dl 2 xl 3 hp 025/026 sp 028/028 Found a Scroll of Magic Mapping. 2024-11-07 18:45 00:35:13 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Flicked the switch in a sunrise room. 2024-11-07 18:46 00:36:19 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-07 18:47 00:37:35 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Bought a Scroll of Disjunction for 800 zorbits. 2024-11-07 18:47 00:37:46 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Used a Scroll of Disjunction on Vampiric Sling of Acid +1. 2024-11-07 18:47 00:37:51 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Enchanted Longbow with a Scroll of Vampiric Weapon. 2024-11-07 18:47 00:37:59 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Enchanted Vampiric Longbow with a Scroll of Acid Weapon. 2024-11-07 18:47 00:38:02 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Enchanted Vampiric Longbow of Acid with a Scroll of Enchant Weapon. 2024-11-07 18:47 00:38:04 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Enchanted Vampiric Longbow of Acid +1 with a Scroll of Cold Weapon. 2024-11-07 18:48 00:38:35 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Returned to dungeon level 2. 2024-11-07 18:48 00:38:39 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Read a Scroll of Magic Mapping. 2024-11-07 18:50 00:40:30 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Found an Elixir of Spirit. 2024-11-07 18:50 00:40:38 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Found a Scroll of Sonic Weapon. 2024-11-07 18:50 00:40:44 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Enchanted Vampiric Longbow of C/A +1 with a Scroll of Sonic Weapon. 2024-11-07 18:50 00:40:53 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Dungeon level 2 completely explored. 2024-11-07 18:50 00:40:57 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Found a Scroll of Lightning Weapon. 2024-11-07 18:51 00:41:57 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-07 18:55 00:45:33 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Returned to dungeon level 2. 2024-11-07 18:55 00:45:49 dl 3 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Arrived at dungeon level 3 for the first time. 2024-11-07 18:58 00:48:47 dl 3 xl 3 hp 024/026 sp 028/028 Discovered the throneroom of the goblin king. 2024-11-07 18:59 00:49:03 dl 3 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 028/028 Encountered the goblin king. 2024-11-07 18:59 00:49:33 dl 3 xl 3 hp 014/026 sp 028/028 Companion elephant defeated the goblin king. 2024-11-07 18:59 00:49:52 dl 3 xl 4 hp 015/030 sp 039/039 Reached experience level 4. 2024-11-07 19:00 00:50:01 dl 3 xl 4 hp 016/030 sp 039/039 Found a Belt of Inertial Barrier. 2024-11-07 19:00 00:50:02 dl 3 xl 4 hp 016/030 sp 039/039 Found a Ring of Energy Resistance. 2024-11-07 19:00 00:50:03 dl 3 xl 4 hp 016/030 sp 039/039 Found a Vampiric Dagger +3. 2024-11-07 19:01 00:51:27 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 039/039 Found the Mace of Disruption +2. 2024-11-07 19:05 00:55:50 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 030/039 Companion elephant killed by a gelatinous cube. 2024-11-07 19:05 00:55:50 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 030/039 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-07 19:06 00:56:16 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 003/039 Companion elephant killed by a gelatinous cube. 2024-11-07 19:06 00:56:16 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 003/039 Had no companions. 2024-11-07 19:11 01:01:17 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 039/039 Found a Bronze Horn. 2024-11-07 19:11 01:01:21 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 039/039 Found Goggles of Night. 2024-11-07 19:11 01:01:31 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 039/039 Found a Holy Shortbow +2. 2024-11-07 19:15 01:05:06 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 039/039 Found an Amulet of Health. 2024-11-07 19:15 01:05:27 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 035/035 Found a Scroll of Purifying. 2024-11-07 19:17 01:07:03 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 035/035 Tamed a direphant. 2024-11-07 19:17 01:07:03 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 035/035 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-07 19:18 01:08:05 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 035/035 Saved game. (1) 2024-11-07 21:42 01:08:05 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 035/035 Loaded game. 2024-11-07 21:43 01:09:35 dl 3 xl 4 hp 020/030 sp 005/035 Companion direphant killed by a dustdigger. 2024-11-07 21:43 01:09:35 dl 3 xl 4 hp 020/030 sp 005/035 Had no companions. 2024-11-07 21:48 01:14:16 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 027/035 Encountered Rat Queen. 2024-11-07 21:49 01:15:05 dl 3 xl 4 hp 030/030 sp 035/035 Found a studded armor +1. 2024-11-07 21:52 01:18:19 dl 3 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 024/045 Reached experience level 5. 2024-11-07 21:55 01:21:23 dl 3 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 045/045 Discovered the lair of the Rat Queen. 2024-11-07 21:56 01:22:06 dl 3 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 021/045 Defeated Rat Queen. 2024-11-07 21:57 01:22:51 dl 3 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 008/045 Found an Orb of Charming. 2024-11-07 21:57 01:23:11 dl 3 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 045/045 Found a glaive +2. 2024-11-07 21:57 01:23:25 dl 3 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 045/045 Found a Sling of Fire +2. 2024-11-07 22:02 01:28:45 dl 3 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 045/045 Flicked the switch in a challenge room. 2024-11-07 22:03 01:29:42 dl 3 xl 5 hp 019/034 sp 006/045 Found a hide armor +2. 2024-11-07 22:04 01:30:45 dl 3 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 045/045 Flicked the switch in a challenge room. 2024-11-07 22:07 01:33:00 dl 3 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 045/045 Found a scimitar +2. 2024-11-07 22:08 01:34:15 carillo xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 045/045 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-07 22:10 01:36:45 carillo xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 045/045 Boosted Spirit-ability by drinking an elixir. 2024-11-07 22:12 01:38:32 carillo xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 050/050 Bought Bracers of Quickness +2 for 1600 zorbits. 2024-11-07 22:14 01:40:13 carillo xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 050/050 Enchanted Vampiric Longbow of C/A/S +1 with a Scroll of Lightning Weapon. 2024-11-07 22:16 01:41:42 carillo xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 050/050 Recruited elf wizard Bebelirhina. 2024-11-07 22:16 01:41:42 carillo xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 050/050 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-07 22:17 01:43:02 dl 3 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 050/050 Returned to dungeon level 3. 2024-11-07 22:20 01:46:15 carillo xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 039/050 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-07 22:22 01:47:23 dl 4 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 050/050 Arrived at dungeon level 4 for the first time. 2024-11-07 22:23 01:48:27 dl 4 xl 5 hp 034/034 sp 019/050 Discovered a prison ruled by hobgoblins. 2024-11-07 22:27 01:52:41 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 008/056 Reached experience level 6. 2024-11-07 22:28 01:53:26 dl 4 xl 6 hp 036/039 sp 001/056 Companion Bebelirhina killed by an animated brazier. 2024-11-07 22:28 01:53:26 dl 4 xl 6 hp 036/039 sp 001/056 Bebelirhina: "Noooo!" 2024-11-07 22:28 01:53:26 dl 4 xl 6 hp 036/039 sp 001/056 Had no companions. 2024-11-07 22:34 01:59:33 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 013/056 Tamed an unicorn. 2024-11-07 22:34 01:59:33 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 013/056 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-07 22:34 01:59:56 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 014/056 Recruited mean-looking mercenary Menthur. 2024-11-07 22:34 01:59:56 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 014/056 Had 2 companions. 2024-11-07 22:40 02:05:56 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 008/056 Encountered the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-11-07 22:42 02:07:25 dl 4 xl 6 hp 014/039 sp 010/056 Companion Menthur killed by the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-11-07 22:42 02:07:25 dl 4 xl 6 hp 014/039 sp 010/056 Menthur: "Fargorm! Aaaaaaargh!" 2024-11-07 22:42 02:07:25 dl 4 xl 6 hp 014/039 sp 010/056 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-07 22:44 02:09:49 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Discovered the throneroom of the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-11-07 22:45 02:10:26 dl 4 xl 6 hp 018/039 sp 000/056 Companion unicorn defeated the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-11-07 22:45 02:11:04 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Found a Cloak of Arachnida. 2024-11-07 22:45 02:11:04 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Found a Crown of Knowledge. 2024-11-07 22:45 02:11:04 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Found a longbow +3. 2024-11-07 22:45 02:11:16 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Used a Scroll of Disjunction on Vampiric Longbow of C/L/A/S +1. 2024-11-07 22:46 02:11:26 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Enchanted Longbow +3 with a Scroll of Vampiric Weapon. 2024-11-07 22:46 02:11:32 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Enchanted Vampiric Longbow +3 with a Scroll of Acid Weapon. 2024-11-07 22:46 02:11:37 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Destroyed Vampiric Longbow of Acid +3 when trying to enchant it with a Scroll of Enchant Weapon. 2024-11-07 22:46 02:11:56 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Enchanted Longbow with a Scroll of Cold Weapon. 2024-11-07 22:46 02:11:59 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Enchanted Longbow of Cold with a Scroll of Lightning Weapon. 2024-11-07 22:46 02:12:01 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Enchanted Longbow of Cold/Lightning with a Scroll of Sonic Weapon. 2024-11-07 22:46 02:12:10 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Saved game. (2) 2024-11-07 22:47 02:12:10 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Loaded game. 2024-11-07 22:53 02:18:13 carillo xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 033/056 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-07 22:53 02:18:55 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 056/056 Returned to dungeon level 4. 2024-11-07 22:56 02:21:19 dl 4 xl 6 hp 039/039 sp 005/056 Encountered the orc chieftain. 2024-11-07 22:57 02:22:12 dl 4 xl 6 hp 037/039 sp 007/056 Companion unicorn killed by an orog. 2024-11-07 22:57 02:22:12 dl 4 xl 6 hp 037/039 sp 007/056 The unicorn is resurrected by using the Die Hard talent! 2024-11-07 22:57 02:22:12 dl 4 xl 6 hp 037/039 sp 007/056 Companion unicorn killed by an orc. 2024-11-07 22:57 02:22:12 dl 4 xl 6 hp 037/039 sp 007/056 The unicorn is resurrected by using the Die Hard talent! 2024-11-07 22:57 02:22:18 dl 4 xl 6 hp 037/039 sp 007/056 Companion unicorn killed by an orog. 2024-11-07 22:57 02:22:18 dl 4 xl 6 hp 037/039 sp 007/056 Had no companions. 2024-11-07 22:57 02:22:30 dl 4 xl 6 hp 037/039 sp 007/056 Defeated the orc chieftain. 2024-11-07 22:58 02:23:30 dl 4 xl 7 hp 044/045 sp 000/065 Reached experience level 7. 2024-11-07 22:58 02:24:02 dl 4 xl 7 hp 043/045 sp 001/065 Found a Belt of Inertial Barrier. 2024-11-07 23:03 02:29:03 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Tamed a brown bear. 2024-11-07 23:03 02:29:03 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-07 23:05 02:30:23 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 001/065 Companion brown bear killed by a ghast. 2024-11-07 23:05 02:30:23 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 001/065 Had no companions. 2024-11-07 23:06 02:31:35 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Tamed a cave bear. 2024-11-07 23:06 02:31:35 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-07 23:08 02:33:11 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 006/065 Found a leather armor +2. 2024-11-07 23:09 02:34:19 dl 4 xl 7 hp 043/045 sp 001/065 Companion cave bear killed by a stone golem. 2024-11-07 23:09 02:34:19 dl 4 xl 7 hp 043/045 sp 001/065 Had no companions. 2024-11-07 23:09 02:34:56 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Found a Wand of Web. 2024-11-07 23:10 02:35:33 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 060/065 Found a Scroll of Holy Weapon. 2024-11-07 23:14 02:39:30 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Found an Unholy Morningstar +1. 2024-11-07 23:14 02:39:36 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Found an Armor of the Sun. 2024-11-07 23:14 02:39:37 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Found a Ring of Bonding. 2024-11-07 23:16 02:41:47 dl 4 xl 7 hp 031/045 sp 003/065 Recruited jelly. 2024-11-07 23:16 02:41:47 dl 4 xl 7 hp 031/045 sp 003/065 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-07 23:18 02:43:14 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Companion jelly killed by a wight. 2024-11-07 23:18 02:43:14 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Had no companions. 2024-11-07 23:18 02:43:27 carillo xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-07 23:18 02:44:03 carillo xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Enchanted Longbow of C/L/S with a Scroll of Enchant Weapon. 2024-11-07 23:19 02:44:36 carillo xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Enchanted Longbow of C/L/S +1 with a Scroll of Holy Weapon. 2024-11-07 23:23 02:48:53 carillo xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Bought an Elixir of Talent for 3200 zorbits. 2024-11-07 23:23 02:49:00 carillo xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Gained a talent by drinking an elixir. 2024-11-07 23:27 02:52:17 dl 4 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Returned to dungeon level 4. 2024-11-07 23:31 02:56:31 dl 5 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Arrived at dungeon level 5 for the first time. 2024-11-07 23:33 02:58:32 dl 5 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 049/065 Discovered a snakeling temple. 2024-11-07 23:37 03:02:40 dl 5 xl 7 hp 041/045 sp 065/065 Read a Scroll of Magic Mapping. 2024-11-07 23:37 03:02:56 dl 5 xl 7 hp 042/045 sp 065/065 Found a Panther Figurine. 2024-11-07 23:38 03:03:05 dl 5 xl 7 hp 045/045 sp 065/065 Discovered the bandit headquarters. 2024-11-07 23:44 03:09:28 dl 5 xl 8 hp 048/048 sp 008/072 Reached experience level 8. 2024-11-07 23:44 03:09:49 dl 5 xl 8 hp 048/048 sp 072/072 Found an Unholy Shortbow +3. 2024-11-07 23:45 03:10:07 dl 5 xl 8 hp 048/048 sp 072/072 Found a Ring of Energy Resistance. 2024-11-07 23:45 03:10:23 dl 5 xl 8 hp 048/048 sp 072/072 Found the bow Heartseeker +2. 2024-11-07 23:48 03:13:47 dl 5 xl 8 hp 030/048 sp 003/072 Discovered a rogues' gallery, an area filled with statues of great men. 2024-11-07 23:48 03:13:56 dl 5 xl 8 hp 048/048 sp 072/072 Recruited rogue saint. 2024-11-07 23:48 03:13:56 dl 5 xl 8 hp 048/048 sp 072/072 Had 0 companions, 1 construct. 2024-11-07 23:52 03:17:17 dl 5 xl 8 hp 048/048 sp 040/072 Companion rogue saint killed by a stone golem. 2024-11-07 23:52 03:17:17 dl 5 xl 8 hp 048/048 sp 040/072 Rogue saint: "Yet another stupid death." 2024-11-07 23:52 03:17:17 dl 5 xl 8 hp 048/048 sp 040/072 Had no companions. 2024-11-08 00:03 03:28:57 dl 5 xl 8 hp 047/048 sp 072/072 Found a Glaive of Acid +2. 2024-11-08 00:04 03:29:45 dl 5 xl 8 hp 048/048 sp 072/072 Enchanted Holy Longbow of C/L/S +1 with a Scroll of Enchant Weapon. 2024-11-08 00:05 03:30:23 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 061/079 Reached experience level 9. 2024-11-08 00:17 03:41:57 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 070/070 Found a Robe of Protection +3. 2024-11-08 00:17 03:42:18 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 070/070 Found a glaive +3. 2024-11-08 00:17 03:42:34 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 070/070 Found a Longbow of Lightning +1. 2024-11-08 00:18 03:42:56 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 070/070 Found a Holy Handaxe +2. 2024-11-08 00:18 03:43:11 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 070/070 Found an Unholy Longbow +2. 2024-11-08 00:19 03:44:32 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 070/070 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-08 00:24 03:49:36 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Bought an Elixir of Spirit for 1600 zorbits. 2024-11-08 00:24 03:49:42 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Boosted Spirit-ability by drinking an elixir. 2024-11-08 00:28 03:53:39 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Bought an Elixir of Ability for 1400 zorbits. 2024-11-08 00:28 03:53:48 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Boosted Motion-ability by drinking an elixir. 2024-11-08 00:31 03:56:46 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Saved game. (3) 2024-11-08 10:31 03:56:46 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Loaded game. 2024-11-08 10:31 03:57:14 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Recruited giff Savblut. 2024-11-08 10:31 03:57:14 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-08 10:32 03:57:19 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Recruited battle-scarred veteran Gagyz. 2024-11-08 10:32 03:57:19 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Had 2 companions. 2024-11-08 10:32 03:57:26 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Recruited centaur Abrhath. 2024-11-08 10:32 03:57:26 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Had 3 companions. 2024-11-08 10:35 04:00:22 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Returned to dungeon level 5. 2024-11-08 10:37 04:02:23 dl 5 xl 9 hp 045/056 sp 007/079 Companion Savblut killed by a stone golem. 2024-11-08 10:37 04:02:23 dl 5 xl 9 hp 045/056 sp 007/079 Savblut: "Fargorm! Help me!" 2024-11-08 10:37 04:02:23 dl 5 xl 9 hp 045/056 sp 007/079 Had 2 companions. 2024-11-08 10:37 04:03:13 dl 5 xl 9 hp 014/056 sp 008/079 Companion Abrhath killed by a stone golem. 2024-11-08 10:37 04:03:13 dl 5 xl 9 hp 014/056 sp 008/079 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-08 10:38 04:03:58 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Found a Tomb Raiders Guild Card. 2024-11-08 10:38 04:04:07 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Found a Scroll of Returning Weapon. 2024-11-08 10:44 04:09:31 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Tamed a cave gorilla. 2024-11-08 10:44 04:09:31 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Had 2 companions. 2024-11-08 10:44 04:09:44 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Removed battle-scarred veteran Gagyz from the party. 2024-11-08 10:44 04:09:44 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-08 10:45 04:10:42 dl 5 xl 9 hp 047/056 sp 007/079 Companion cave gorilla killed by a stone golem. 2024-11-08 10:45 04:10:42 dl 5 xl 9 hp 047/056 sp 007/079 Had no companions. 2024-11-08 10:45 04:11:09 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 017/079 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-08 10:46 04:11:45 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Enchanted Vampiric Dagger +3 with a Scroll of Returning Weapon. 2024-11-08 10:53 04:18:03 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Saved game. (4) 2024-11-08 13:25 04:18:03 carillo xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Loaded game. 2024-11-08 13:26 04:18:46 dl 5 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Returned to dungeon level 5. 2024-11-08 13:26 04:18:59 dl 6 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Arrived at dungeon level 6 for the first time. 2024-11-08 13:35 04:27:34 dl 6 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Discovered the throneroom of the dagonoth. 2024-11-08 13:35 04:27:34 dl 6 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Encountered the dagonoth archpriest. 2024-11-08 13:35 04:27:51 dl 6 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Found a Lantern of Revealing. 2024-11-08 13:37 04:29:48 dl 6 xl 9 hp 038/056 sp 009/079 Enchanted Holy Longbow of C/L/S +2 with a Scroll of Vampiric Weapon. 2024-11-08 13:41 04:33:24 dl 6 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Found a Ring of Fire Resistance. 2024-11-08 13:41 04:33:27 dl 6 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Found an Elixir of Mind. 2024-11-08 13:41 04:33:48 dl 6 xl 9 hp 056/056 sp 079/079 Boosted Mind-ability by drinking an elixir. 2024-11-08 13:42 04:34:39 dl 6 xl 9 hp 034/056 sp 015/079 Defeated the dagonoth archpriest. 2024-11-08 13:42 04:34:39 dl 6 xl 9 hp 035/056 sp 015/079 Steam achievement unlocked: Fish Dish. 2024-11-08 13:42 04:35:12 dl 6 xl 10 hp 039/063 sp 017/089 Reached experience level 10. 2024-11-08 13:58 04:50:24 dl 6 xl 10 hp 063/063 sp 025/089 Found a Wand of Summon Elemental. 2024-11-08 14:02 04:54:10 dl 6 xl 10 hp 063/063 sp 089/089 Saved game. (5) 2024-11-08 16:37 04:54:10 dl 6 xl 10 hp 063/063 sp 089/089 Loaded game. 2024-11-08 16:45 05:01:22 dl 6 xl 10 hp 059/063 sp 002/089 Found a Golden Horn. 2024-11-08 16:45 05:01:22 dl 6 xl 10 hp 059/063 sp 002/089 Found a Wand of Animate Dead. 2024-11-08 16:47 05:03:19 dl 6 xl 10 hp 063/063 sp 074/089 Found a Ring of Acid Resistance. 2024-11-08 16:52 05:07:54 dl 6 xl 10 hp 063/063 sp 089/089 Found a Wand of Poison Cloud. 2024-11-08 16:54 05:09:24 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Reached experience level 11. 2024-11-08 16:56 05:11:53 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 068/098 Found a Ring of Wizardry. 2024-11-08 17:00 05:15:22 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 002/098 Found a Horn of Blasting. 2024-11-08 17:02 05:17:48 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Enchanted Holy Vampiric Bow of C/L/S +2 with a Scroll of Acid Weapon. 2024-11-08 17:02 05:17:48 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Steam achievement unlocked: Epic Enchanter. 2024-11-08 17:03 05:18:37 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 026/098 Found a Scroll of Enchant Armor. 2024-11-08 17:03 05:18:51 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 026/098 Enchanted Studded armor +1 with a Scroll of Enchant Armor. 2024-11-08 17:08 05:23:49 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found Boots of Mobility. 2024-11-08 17:09 05:24:13 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 089/098 Found a Plot Armor. 2024-11-08 17:09 05:24:52 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a Coif of Sonic Resistance. 2024-11-08 17:09 05:25:05 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a banded armor +2. 2024-11-08 17:10 05:25:08 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a spear +3. 2024-11-08 17:10 05:25:17 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found large shield +3. 2024-11-08 17:10 05:25:25 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found large shield +3. 2024-11-08 17:10 05:25:31 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a sling +3. 2024-11-08 17:10 05:25:53 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a Holy Mace +2. 2024-11-08 17:11 05:26:27 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a Shortsword of Energy +2. 2024-11-08 17:11 05:26:50 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found an Unholy Trident +2. 2024-11-08 17:11 05:26:54 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found an Unholy Trident of Anchoring +2. 2024-11-08 17:12 05:27:15 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-08 17:17 05:32:53 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 099/109 Returned to dungeon level 6. 2024-11-08 17:17 05:32:59 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 101/109 Encountered High Priest of the Chained God. 2024-11-08 17:18 05:34:00 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 082/098 Defeated High Priest of the Chained God. 2024-11-08 17:18 05:34:00 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 082/098 Steam achievement unlocked: Purple Reign. 2024-11-08 17:19 05:34:58 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 006/098 Discovered the hidden temple of the Chained God. 2024-11-08 17:20 05:35:23 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found an Unholy Spear +2. 2024-11-08 17:20 05:35:29 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a shortspear +3. 2024-11-08 17:20 05:35:30 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found an Unholy Longbow of Cold +2. 2024-11-08 17:20 05:35:36 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found an Unholy Staff of Acid +2. 2024-11-08 17:20 05:35:42 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found an Orb of Withering. 2024-11-08 17:20 05:35:54 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a Cloak of Elvenkind +2. 2024-11-08 17:20 05:35:55 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a Wand of Knock. 2024-11-08 17:20 05:36:02 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found an Elixir of Cloning. 2024-11-08 17:21 05:36:08 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found an Amulet of Power. 2024-11-08 17:21 05:36:09 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a sling +3. 2024-11-08 17:21 05:36:09 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a Wand of Fire Ball. 2024-11-08 17:21 05:36:15 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found a Longbow of Cold +2. 2024-11-08 17:21 05:36:23 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Found an Unholy Sling +1. 2024-11-08 17:21 05:36:28 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-08 17:23 05:38:27 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Returned to dungeon level 6. 2024-11-08 17:24 05:39:32 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 072/109 Found a Handaxe of Acid +2. 2024-11-08 17:25 05:40:35 dl 6 xl 11 hp 034/070 sp 007/109 Found a Belt of Giant Strength +2. 2024-11-08 17:26 05:41:54 dl 6 xl 11 hp 068/070 sp 006/109 Found an Everlasting Bullet +1. 2024-11-08 17:27 05:42:26 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 007/109 Found a Carillo Express Card. 2024-11-08 17:27 05:42:33 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 007/109 Found a Scroll of Activate Golem. 2024-11-08 17:27 05:42:33 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 007/109 Found a Wand of Disrupt Undead. 2024-11-08 17:29 05:44:05 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 007/098 Found a sling +3. 2024-11-08 17:30 05:45:55 carillo xl 11 hp 081/081 sp 098/098 Returned to Carillo. 2024-11-08 17:35 05:50:45 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Recruited battle-scarred veteran Gagyz. 2024-11-08 17:35 05:50:45 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-08 17:36 05:51:55 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Removed battle-scarred veteran Gagyz from the party. 2024-11-08 17:36 05:51:55 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Had no companions. 2024-11-08 17:37 05:52:08 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Recruited battle-scarred veteran Gagyz. 2024-11-08 17:37 05:52:08 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Had 1 companion. 2024-11-08 17:40 05:54:33 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Removed battle-scarred veteran Gagyz from the party. 2024-11-08 17:40 05:54:33 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Had no companions. 2024-11-08 17:55 06:07:28 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Saved game. (6) 2024-11-08 19:20 06:07:28 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Loaded game. 2024-11-08 19:30 06:12:05 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Saved game. (7) 2024-11-08 19:37 06:12:05 carillo xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Loaded game. 2024-11-08 19:37 06:12:35 dl 6 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Returned to dungeon level 6. 2024-11-08 19:39 06:13:50 dl 7 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Arrived at dungeon level 7 for the first time. 2024-11-08 19:39 06:13:50 dl 7 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 098/098 Steam achievement unlocked: Dungeon 7. 2024-11-08 19:41 06:15:45 dl 7 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 034/098 Encountered Marabellix. 2024-11-08 19:41 06:15:45 dl 7 xl 11 hp 070/070 sp 034/098 Encountered Magyarix. 2024-11-08 19:43 06:18:24 dl 7 xl 11 hp 000/070 sp 034/098 Killed by Magyarix. 2024-11-08 19:43 06:18:24 dl 7 xl 11 hp 000/070 sp 034/098 Magyarix: "We killed him! Nothing can stop us!" 2024-11-08 19:43 06:18:24 dl 7 xl 11 hp 000/070 sp 034/098 Marabellix: "We are the greatest! We will become demigoddesses! Everyone despair!"