ZORBUS obituary Release 60 2024-08-10 14:21 Playtime 01:46:37 JALASUNI Halfling female, level 4 Killed by a Chainbreaker. SCORE points factor base 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C Z Exploration 559 5% 10000 100% 100% 86% . . . . . . . . . Creatures defeated 490 4% 10000 98% 98% 65% . . . . . . . . . Uniques defeated, dungeon 1250 2 of 16 10000 . 1 1 . . . . . . . . . Uniques defeated, demiplanes 0 0 of 16 40000 . . . . . . . . . . . . Total 2299 LEVEL explored secrets found time spent kills total xp combat skills explore other actions/s Level 1 100% 6 of 6 100% 00:21:22 37 2380 2080 . 300 . 1.4 Level 2 100% 3 of 3 100% 00:36:00 59 5964 4854 110 1000 . 1.6 Level 3 86% 1 of 19 5% 00:41:58 40 8003 7953 50 . . 1.6 Carillo . . . . 00:07:17 . . . . . . 0.8 Total 93% 10 of 28 35% 01:46:37 136 16347 14887 160 1300 0 1.5 HEALTH 22 STAMINA 42 ABILITIES total = base + items + temp mod 0 1 2 3 4 Body 8 = 8 + 0 + 0 -1 8 . . . 8 Motion 20 = 18 + 2 + 0 5 18 . . . 18 Mind 16 = 16 + 0 + 0 3 16 . . . 16 Spirit 16 = 14 + 2 + 0 3 14 . . . 14 Character's abilities were set with the point buy -method. +2 to all abilities from the Soothing Solitude talent. Traded 5 ability points for 1 talent point. SKILLS total = base + mod + items + temp 0 1 2 3 4 Disable 7 = 2 + 5 + 0 + 0 1 . . 2 2 Dodge 7 = 2 + 5 + 0 + 0 2 . . . 2 Magic 1 = 0 + 3 + -2 + 0 0 . . . 0 Melee 9 = 4 + 5 + 0 + 0 2 . . 3 4 Ranged 5 = 0 + 5 + 0 + 0 0 . . . 0 Search 4 = 1 + 3 + 0 + 0 1 . . . 1 Stealth 9 = 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 2 . . . 2 RESISTANCES total = base + items + temp Blunt 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 Pierce 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 Slash 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 Mental 10 = 0 + 10 + 0 Energy 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Fire 8 = 0 + 8 + 0 Cold 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Lightning 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Acid 8 = 0 + 8 + 0 Sonic 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Poison 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Holy 99 = 99 + 0 + 0 Necrotic 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 BEST WEAPON DPR PER EXPERIENCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 Melee weapon 3.0 5.7 7.0 8.0 Ranged weapon 3.1 3.1 3.3 6.3 TALENTS gained at level uses Evasion 1 0 Expert Trapper 1 0 One with Darkness 1 0 Soothing Solitude 1 0 Squirm 1 0 Dualwield 3 0 Retreat Strike 4 71 STATES Nondetected EQUIPMENT found in level Head Helm of Glory 3 Back - - Body Hide armor +1 2 Waist - - Feet Boots of Tracklessness 2 Forearms Bracers of Quickness +2 2 Hands - - Neck - - Finger Ring of Fire Resistance 2 Finger Ring of Acid Resistance C Eyes - - Lightsource - - Set 1 main-hand Holy Longsword of Fire/Cold +1 C Damage = 6-13 (Slash: 1d8+1, Fire: 1, Cold: 2, Holy: 1) Set 1 off-hand Sharptooth +2 3 Damage = 4-9 (Pierce: 1d6+2 / Slash: 1d6+2, Acid: 1) Set 2 main-hand Longbow 1 Set 2 off-hand - - Quiver Arrow (874) 1 INVENTORY found in level Arrow +2 (19) 2 Arrow of Cold +1 (3) 2 Arrow of Energy +2 (11) 3 Arrow of Poison (9) 3 Arrow of Slime (6) 2 Arrow of Slime +1 (9) 3 Book of Zorbus I 1 Book of Zorbus III 1 Cinatas the Fallen 3 Everlasting Bullet 3 Flask of Extinguishing 1 Flask of Poison (2) 1 Goblin key 3 Kit of Anchoring trap 2 Kit of Animate trap 2 Kit of Confusion trap 1 Kit of Fire Ball trap 2 Kit of Necrotic Arrow trap 2 Kit of Slime trap (2) 2 Kit of Summon Animals trap 3 Kit of Web trap (3) 2 Kobold key 2 Lament of the Chained God 3 Lantern 1 Orb of Blocking 3 Orb of Dismissing 3 Potion of Blink (3) 1 Potion of Bull's Strength (2) 2 Potion of Cat's Grace (2) 1 Potion of Endurance (5) 1 Potion of Energy Resistance 3 Potion of Extra Endurance (2) 2 Potion of Fire Resistance 3 Potion of Healing (3) 1 Potion of Heroism 3 Potion of Mental Resistance 3 Potion of Mobility 3 Potion of Regeneration 3 Sling of Acid +1 3 Damage = 2 (Acid: 2) Small shield +2 2 Unholy Arrow of Acid +2 (16) 3 Wand of Energy Bolt 3 Wand of Lightning Bolt 3 Zorbits (948) 1 DEVICE USES 13 Kit of Animate trap 1 Potion of Blink 3 Potion of Healing 5 Potion of Heroism 1 Potion of Regeneration 1 Scroll of Fire Weapon 1 Scroll of Holy Weapon 1 COMMANDS 8938 Autoexplore 124 Autopilot / Level map 7 Character sheet 10 Fire ranged 72 Full rest 83 Game menu 2 Get items from current location 6 Inventory 58 Loot items from level 4 Move / attack east 1405 Move / attack north 1044 Move / attack northeast 859 Move / attack northwest 691 Move / attack south 984 Move / attack southeast 674 Move / attack southwest 876 Move / attack west 1304 Quickslot 01 77 Quickslot 11 5 Rest 1 round 629 Rest until healed 1 Shoot or reach attack marked 1 Swap weapon set 22 Mostly used numpad to move around. Total 9364 key presses, on average 88 per minute or 1.5 per second. Total 229 mouse clicks, on average 2 per minute or 0.0 per second. Total 9593 actions, on average 90 per minute or 1.5 per second. MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS Character's abilities were set with the point buy -method. Boosted abilities permanently 0 times. Last movement speed was 5. Had 2073 zorbits at most. Bought 4 items for 2360 zorbits. Sold 4 items for 2290 zorbits. Enchanted an armor successfully 0 out of 0 tries. Enchanted a weapon successfully 2 out of 2 tries. Had at most 0 companions. Recruited 0 companions. Tamed a creature successfully 0 out of 0 tries. Activated 0 golems. Cloned herself 0 times. Animated 0 creatures. Summoned 0 creatures. Drank from a well 0 times. Sat on a throne 3 times. Sat on 3 different thrones. Switch room usage counts: anchor: 0, animate: 0, block: 0, challenge: 0, clone: 0, nullify: 0, sunrise: 0, teleport: 0, wither: 0. Disabled a trap successfully 1 out of 4 tries. Yielded 0% of total experience points. Setup a trap successfully 1 out of 1 tries. Unlocked Steam achievements: Perfect Assassin, Kingslayer CREATURES KILLED / 50%+ DAMAGED 136 7 Ash mephit 2 0 Astraloth warrior 1 0 Bugbear 1 1 Bullywug 1 0 Corrupted treant 1 0 Crocodile 4 0 Diseased giant rat 1 0 Dust mephit 1 0 Dustdigger 1 0 Fire mephit 1 0 Ghast 1 0 Ghoul 3 1 Giant ant 1 0 Giant bat 2 0 Giant beetle 2 0 Giant centipede 2 1 Giant frog 1 0 Giant fungus 3 0 Giant lizard 1 0 Giant rat 11 0 Giant scorpion 1 1 Giant spider 1 1 Giant stag beetle 1 0 Giant vampire bat 3 0 Giant worm 1 0 Gibberling 2 0 Gnoll 3 0 Goblin 17 0 Goblin king 1 0 Score unique, dungeon Goblin outcast 4 0 Goblin wardrummer 2 0 Goblin warrior 3 0 Homunculus 2 0 Human warrior 1 0 Human wizard 1 0 Ice mephit 1 0 Jackal 2 0 Jermlaine 9 0 Kenku 1 0 Kobold 3 0 Kobold outcast 2 0 Kobold patrol leader 1 0 Kobold scout 1 0 Kobold sorcerer 1 0 Kobold tribe leader 1 0 Score unique, dungeon Large spider 3 1 Lemure 2 0 Manes 1 0 Mimic 1 0 Novice adventurer 2 0 Orc 1 0 Quasit 3 0 Shrieker fungus 3 0 Skeleton 4 1 Wolf 2 0 Young thief 3 0 Zombie 5 0 PANTHEON AT THE END Ciwnhma The Beauty Werbrou The Wizard Oty The Dark Knight Keekone The Titan Noldar The Undying King Hersbrot The Prince of Undeath Bupsik The Faceless Lord Ganmor The Queen of Spiders MAP #......###......###......5.# #.......###.......## #...S...##........+........# #.......##......0..# ######.......##......###........# #######+##.........# ###.........S...#......# #......Y.# ###...#.........# ................+......# #........# ##.....+.8.50....# ................######## #........# ##......#.........# ...........###### #####+#### #...#####..Y......# ...........# ###########.# ##..## #.....5...# ...........# #....8....#.# #...# ##.......## ...........# #.........#.# ##..## #...0...# ...........# #..8.0.8..#.# #...# ##..C..## ..........##########.........#@# #...# ##...## ..........#.......# ....8....+.# ##..## ##### ..........+...7...# ##########.# #...# ..........#.......# #.####...# ######### ......#####.......# #@##.....# #.......# .###### #...:...# ###......~.########## #..X....# .# #.......# ###..........#..7...7.# #.......# .# #7.....7# ##......#######........####.......# .# #.......# ##....#### #........+..........# .# ##+###### #...### #..7.Y.7.####.......# ## ##...## ##..#############........# #.......# .# ##.....## #...#....................# #.......# .## #....R..#######...+..............7...7.# ###+###### ..# #.......+.........#...........############.....### ..# #.......#######..##...........# ###.........### ..## ##.....## ###...##...........# ##.............## ...# ##...######....###...........# #.....#...#.....# ...## ##+####......## ############# ##...###...###...# .9..#######..........### #...## #...# ##... ...................### ##...# #...# #... LOG Chainbreaker shoots an Unholy Arrow +2 at you and kills you! (Pierce: 6 = 9 - res 3) Chainbreaker shoots an Unholy Arrow +2 at you and hits! (5 = Pierce: 4 = 7 - res 3 + Necrotic: 1 = 1 - res 0) Chainbreaker uses the Dualshot talent. Chainbreaker shoots an Unholy Arrow +2 at you and hits! (6 = Pierce: 5 = 8 - res 3 + Necrotic: 1 = 1 - res 0) Chainbreaker shoots an Unholy Arrow +2 at you and hits! (5 = Pierce: 4 = 7 - res 3 + Necrotic: 1 = 1 - res 0) Chainbreaker uses the Dualshot talent. You attack Chainbreaker with the Holy Longsword of Fire/Cold +1 and hit! (4 = Slash: 0 = 3 - res 3 + Fire: 1 = 1 - res 0 + Cold: 2 = 2 - res 0 + Holy: 1 = 1 - res 0) You attack Chainbreaker with the Sharptooth +2, but he dodges the attack. You hear someone making noise in north. You rested for 169 rounds. You drink a Potion of Blink. Chainbreaker shoots an Unholy Arrow +2 at you and hits! (8 = Pierce: 7 = 10 - res 3 + Necrotic: 1 = 1 - res 0) Chainbreaker shoots an Unholy Arrow +2 at you and hits! (6 = Pierce: 5 = 8 - res 3 + Necrotic: 1 = 1 - res 0) Chainbreaker uses the Dualshot talent. Chainbreaker shoots an Unholy Arrow +2 at you but misses. Chainbreaker shoots an Unholy Arrow +2 at you and hits! (3 = Pierce: 2 = 5 - res 3 + Necrotic: 1 = 1 - res 0) Chainbreaker uses the Dualshot talent. Chainbreaker: Chained God, the one the gods fear. We give thee ourselves in blood, flesh, and soul. Chainbreaker switches weapons to: Longbow +2 / 15 x Unholy Arrow +2. HISTORY 2024-08-10 01:33 00:00:00 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 010/010 Adventure started. 2024-08-10 01:41 00:07:23 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/011 sp 010/010 Steam achievement unlocked: Perfect Assassin. 2024-08-10 01:47 00:13:42 dl 1 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 020/020 Reached experience level 2. 2024-08-10 01:49 00:16:09 dl 1 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 020/020 Found an Orb of Blocking. 2024-08-10 01:54 00:19:56 dl 1 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 020/020 Dungeon level 1 completely explored. 2024-08-10 01:55 00:21:22 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 020/020 Arrived at dungeon level 2 for the first time. 2024-08-10 02:01 00:26:59 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 020/020 Discovered the kobold tribe throneroom. 2024-08-10 02:01 00:27:02 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 020/020 Encountered the kobold tribe leader. 2024-08-10 02:13 00:39:07 carillo xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 020/020 Arrived at Carillo, the trading demiplane, for the first time. 2024-08-10 02:15 00:40:58 dl 2 xl 2 hp 018/018 sp 020/020 Returned to dungeon level 2. 2024-08-10 02:20 00:45:29 dl 2 xl 3 hp 013/020 sp 030/030 Reached experience level 3. 2024-08-10 02:28 00:53:37 dl 2 xl 3 hp 019/020 sp 030/030 Found a Scroll of Holy Weapon. 2024-08-10 02:30 00:55:30 dl 2 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Defeated the kobold tribe leader. 2024-08-10 02:30 00:55:39 dl 2 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Found a Ring of Fire Resistance. 2024-08-10 02:30 00:55:40 dl 2 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Found a Crown of Knowledge. 2024-08-10 02:30 00:55:41 dl 2 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Found Boots of Tracklessness. 2024-08-10 02:30 00:55:46 dl 2 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Found small shield +2. 2024-08-10 02:31 00:56:28 dl 2 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Dungeon level 2 completely explored. 2024-08-10 02:31 00:57:00 dl 2 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Found Bracers of Quickness +2. 2024-08-10 02:33 00:58:28 dl 2 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Enchanted Longsword of Cold +1 with a Scroll of Holy Weapon. 2024-08-10 02:33 00:58:49 carillo xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Returned to Carillo. 2024-08-10 02:34 00:59:50 dl 3 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Arrived at dungeon level 3 for the first time. 2024-08-10 02:34 00:59:55 dl 3 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Saved game. (1) 2024-08-10 13:28 00:59:55 dl 3 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Loaded game. 2024-08-10 13:37 01:08:04 dl 3 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Discovered the throneroom of the goblin king. 2024-08-10 13:38 01:09:59 dl 3 xl 3 hp 020/020 sp 030/030 Encountered the goblin king. 2024-08-10 13:42 01:13:05 dl 3 xl 3 hp 013/020 sp 030/030 Defeated the goblin king. 2024-08-10 13:42 01:13:05 dl 3 xl 3 hp 013/020 sp 030/030 Steam achievement unlocked: Kingslayer. 2024-08-10 13:47 01:14:46 dl 3 xl 4 hp 014/022 sp 038/038 Reached experience level 4. 2024-08-10 13:47 01:14:52 dl 3 xl 4 hp 014/022 sp 038/038 Found Boots of Domination. 2024-08-10 13:47 01:14:52 dl 3 xl 4 hp 014/022 sp 038/038 Found a Helm of Glory. 2024-08-10 13:56 01:23:27 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 010/042 Found a Wand of Lightning Bolt. 2024-08-10 13:56 01:23:27 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 010/042 Found a Scroll of Fire Weapon. 2024-08-10 13:56 01:23:31 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 011/042 Found Gloves of Ambidexterity. 2024-08-10 13:56 01:23:35 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 011/042 Found the blade Sharptooth +2. 2024-08-10 13:56 01:23:38 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 011/042 Found an Everlasting Bullet. 2024-08-10 14:02 01:29:57 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 040/042 Found a Sling of Acid +1. 2024-08-10 14:03 01:31:16 carillo xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 042/042 Returned to Carillo. 2024-08-10 14:06 01:33:47 carillo xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 042/042 Enchanted Holy Longsword of Cold +1 with a Scroll of Fire Weapon. 2024-08-10 14:08 01:35:21 carillo xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 042/042 Bought a Ring of Acid Resistance for 1200 zorbits. 2024-08-10 14:10 01:36:05 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 042/042 Returned to dungeon level 3. 2024-08-10 14:10 01:36:19 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 042/042 Discovered the lair of the Ratqueen. 2024-08-10 14:10 01:36:19 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 042/042 Encountered Rat Queen. 2024-08-10 14:12 01:38:23 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 042/042 Found an Orb of Dismissing. 2024-08-10 14:13 01:39:12 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/022 sp 042/042 Found a Wand of Energy Bolt. 2024-08-10 14:21 01:46:37 dl 3 xl 4 hp 000/022 sp 042/042 Killed by a Chainbreaker. 2024-08-10 14:21 01:46:37 dl 3 xl 4 hp 000/022 sp 042/042 Chainbreaker: "Chained God, take our offering. Bring us to the void, and grant us thy blessed curse."