ZORBUS obituary Release 60 2024-08-08 12:52 Playtime 01:37:27 GAURPUZ Human male, level 5 Killed by a nabassu. SCORE points factor base 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C Z Exploration 668 6% 10000 96% 98% 97% 20% . . . . . . . . Creatures defeated 637 6% 10000 94% 91% 80% 30% . . . . . . . . Uniques defeated, dungeon 625 1 of 16 10000 . . 1 . . . . . . . . . Uniques defeated, demiplanes 0 0 of 16 40000 . . . . . . . . . . . . Total 1930 LEVEL explored secrets found time spent kills total xp combat skills explore other actions/s Level 1 96% 1 of 3 33% 00:13:51 48 2676 2656 20 . . 1.1 Level 2 98% 3 of 7 42% 00:25:38 45 5950 5950 . . . 0.9 Level 3 97% 2 of 7 28% 00:41:33 62 12835 12815 20 . . 1.1 Level 4 20% 0 of 11 0% 00:11:29 15 3555 3555 . . . 1.1 Carillo . . . . 00:04:56 . . . . . . 0.4 Total 72% 6 of 28 21% 01:37:27 170 25016 24976 40 0 0 1.0 HEALTH 50 STAMINA 46 ABILITIES total = base + items + temp mod 0 1 2 3 4 5 Body 17 = 15 + 2 + 0 3 15 . . . . 15 Motion 16 = 16 + 0 + 0 3 16 . . . . 16 Mind 15 = 15 + 0 + 0 2 15 . . . . 15 Spirit 17 = 16 + 1 + 0 3 16 . . . . 16 Character's abilities were randomly rolled with 486 rerolls. +2 to all abilities from the Soothing Solitude talent. SKILLS total = base + mod + items + temp 0 1 2 3 4 5 Disable 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 + 0 0 . . . . 0 Dodge 7 = 2 + 3 + 2 + 0 1 . 2 . . 2 Magic -8 = 0 + 2 + -10 + 0 0 . . . . 0 Melee 8 = 5 + 3 + 0 + 0 2 . . 3 4 5 Ranged 3 = 0 + 3 + 0 + 0 0 . . . . 0 Search 3 = 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 0 . . 1 . 1 Stealth 2 = 1 + 3 + -2 + 0 1 . . . . 1 RESISTANCES total = base + items + temp Blunt 5 = 0 + 5 + 0 Pierce 5 = 0 + 5 + 0 Slash 6 = 0 + 6 + 0 Mental 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Energy 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Fire 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Cold 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Lightning 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Acid 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Sonic 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Poison 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Holy 99 = 99 + 0 + 0 Necrotic 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 BEST WEAPON DPR PER EXPERIENCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 Melee weapon 6.8 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.9 Ranged weapon 4.2 5.0 5.0 4.7 6.1 TALENTS gained at level uses Health Surge 1 32 Soothing Solitude 1 0 Dualwield 3 0 STATES Poisoned EQUIPMENT found in level Head Golden helmet 3 Back - - Body Plate armor 3 Waist Belt of Giant Strength +2 2 Feet Boots of Dodging +2 3 Forearms - - Hands - - Neck - - Finger - - Finger - - Eyes Goggles of Night 2 Lightsource - - Set 1 main-hand Shortspear +1 2 Set 1 off-hand Small shield +2 3 Set 2 main-hand Vampiric Battleaxe +1 C Damage = 2-9 (Slash: 1d8+1) Set 2 off-hand Mace +1 1 Quiver Arrow (799) 1 INVENTORY found in level Arrow +1 (30) 3 Arrow +2 (77) 3 Banded armor 2 Boots of Stealth +2 2 Bullet (185) 3 Bullet +1 (21) 3 Bullet of Withering +1 (2) 3 Crown 2 Flask of Slime 1 Flask of Tracking 3 Handaxe +1 3 Holy Bullet of Fire +2 (21) 3 Kit of Animate trap 4 Kit of Slime trap 2 Kit of Summon Animals trap 2 Kit of Web trap 2 Kobold key 1 Lantern 1 Potion of Acid Resistance 3 Potion of Antidote (2) 1 Potion of Energy Resistance 2 Potion of Fire Resistance 3 Potion of Martyrdom 3 Potion of Mental Resistance 3 Potion of Mobility 2 Spear 2 Unholy Arrow +1 (22) 3 Unholy Arrow of Lightning +2 (2) 3 Unholy Shortbow +2 3 Damage = 2 (Necrotic: 2) Zorbits (295) 1 DEVICE USES 28 Flask of Poison 1 Kit of Animate trap 2 Kit of Fire Ball trap 3 Kit of Summon Animals trap 1 Potion of Blink 5 Potion of Cat's Grace 1 Potion of Endurance 1 Potion of Extra Endurance 2 Potion of Extra Healing 2 Potion of Healing 7 Potion of Heroism 1 Potion of Speed 2 COMMANDS 4312 Autoexplore 360 Autopilot / Level map 5 Character sheet 3 Full rest 2 Game menu 5 Inventory 87 Move / attack east 621 Move / attack north 442 Move / attack northeast 264 Move / attack northwest 333 Move / attack south 482 Move / attack southeast 364 Move / attack southwest 312 Move / attack west 651 Rest 1 round 148 Rest until healed 167 Set map point 1 Swap weapon set 33 Use talent 32 Mostly used mouse to move around. Total 559 key presses, on average 6 per minute or 0.1 per second. Total 5386 mouse clicks, on average 55 per minute or 0.9 per second. Total 5945 actions, on average 61 per minute or 1.0 per second. MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS Character's abilities were randomly rolled (486 rerolls). Boosted abilities permanently 0 times. Last movement speed was 2. Had 1310 zorbits at most. Bought 1 items for 1300 zorbits. Sold 1 items for 780 zorbits. Enchanted an armor successfully 0 out of 0 tries. Enchanted a weapon successfully 0 out of 0 tries. Had at most 0 companions. Recruited 0 companions. Tamed a creature successfully 0 out of 0 tries. Activated 0 golems. Cloned himself 0 times. Animated 0 creatures. Summoned 0 creatures. Drank from a well 0 times. Sat on a throne 2 times. Sat on 2 different thrones. Switch room usage counts: anchor: 0, animate: 0, block: 1, challenge: 0, clone: 0, nullify: 0, sunrise: 0, teleport: 3, wither: 0. Disabled a trap successfully 0 out of 0 tries. Yielded 0% of total experience points. Setup a trap successfully 4 out of 8 tries. CREATURES KILLED / 50%+ DAMAGED 170 5 Animated brazier 5 0 Ash mephit 1 0 Astraloth warrior 1 0 Bandit 1 0 Black bear 1 0 Bugbear 1 0 Bullywug 5 0 Company wizard 1 0 Crocodile 3 0 Derro 1 0 Diseased giant rat 2 0 Dust mephit 1 0 Dustdigger 1 0 Flesh golem 1 0 Gargoyle 1 0 Ghast 1 0 Ghoul 1 0 Giant bat 3 0 Giant centipede 1 0 Giant fire beetle 2 0 Giant gecko 1 0 Giant leech 1 0 Giant lizard 6 0 Giant rat 7 0 Gnoll 2 0 Goblin 6 0 Goblin archer 2 0 Goblin king 1 0 Score unique, dungeon Goblin outcast 1 0 Goblin wardrummer 2 0 Goblin warrior 3 1 Grimlock 2 0 Hobgoblin 2 0 Hobgoblin captain 1 0 Homunculus 1 0 Human warrior 4 0 Human wizard 2 0 Ice mephit 1 0 Imp 4 0 Jermlaine 9 0 Kenku 3 1 Kobold 6 0 Kobold outcast 3 0 Kobold patrol leader 1 0 Kobold sorcerer 2 0 Large crab 1 0 Large spider 1 0 Lemure 2 0 Lion 1 0 Living statue 1 0 Mimic 1 0 Necrophidius 2 0 Novice adventurer 2 0 Ogre 1 0 Quasit 3 0 Roper 1 0 Rutterkin 1 0 Sahuagin 1 0 Shrieker fungus 1 0 Skeleton 22 2 Slaver 2 0 Stirge 2 0 Thri-kreen 1 0 Tiger 1 0 Wererat 1 0 Winter wolf 1 1 Wolverine 3 0 Worg 1 0 Xorn 1 0 Young thief 2 0 Zombie 7 0 PANTHEON AT THE END Brethsro The Prince of Undeath Rolnad The Undying King Satardamn The Faceless Lord Oyt The Dark Knight Michwan The Beauty Nomarg The Queen of Spiders Bouwrer The Wizard Kenekeo The Titan MAP .###.....# #.................# ## #.....# .+.....|...........# .# ####### #.....~...........# .# ##....7.....7....## .# ####.........##.# ###### ############.# .....# ##.## .....# #...# .....# #...# .....# #...# .....# #...# g #+#### #...###... ...## #..d....... ....## #..7...7...7 .....# #.&l.......5 .....# ...@lgR.....d .....# ........@.....Y ....## ......g.......... ...## ..######....0...... #### #..7...7...7 #......g... ## #...###... .## #...# .. ..# ..## ...## ....# .....+ ..... .... ... LOG The nabassu bites you and kills you! (Pierce: 2 = 7 - res 5) The giant lizard bites you and hits! (Pierce: 0 = 4 - res 4) Bugbear comes into view in east at distance 8. You are in the effect of Poison Cloud. You are poisoned! The goblin shaman casts Energy Bolt. You partially dodge the effect. You are damaged. (Energy: 2 = 2 - res 0) Company wizard: Okay, let's do this. Let's not delay the inevitable! Company wizard casts Poison Cloud. The bugbear wakes up. The hobgoblin warlord wakes up. Giant lizard comes into view in south at distance 3. Giant lizard comes into view in south at distance 3. The goblin shaman casts Summon Animals. A giant lizard is summoned! A giant lizard is summoned! Hobgoblin warlord comes into view in south at distance 10. Someone casts a spell at you. You partially dodge the effect. You are damaged. (Energy: 2 = 2 - res 0) The worg wakes up. Bugbear comes into view in south at distance 8. Worg comes into view in south at distance 7. The nabassu claws you, but you dodge the attack. The nabassu claws you, but you dodge the attack. You are no longer affected by Cat's Grace. You use the Health Surge talent. You are healed for 3 points. The nabassu bites you, but you dodge the attack. The nabassu claws you and hits! (Slash: 0 = 6 - res 6) The nabassu claws you and hits! (Slash: 3 = 9 - res 6) Stopped autopilot. Hostile creatures seen! Stopped autopilot. Hostile creatures seen! Stopped autopilot. Hostile creatures seen! Stopped autopilot. Hostile creatures seen! Stopped autopilot. HISTORY 2024-08-07 12:34 00:00:00 dl 1 xl 1 hp 014/014 sp 011/011 Adventure started. 2024-08-07 12:38 00:04:29 dl 1 xl 1 hp 014/014 sp 011/011 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-08-07 12:38 00:04:37 dl 1 xl 1 hp 014/014 sp 011/011 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-08-07 12:38 00:04:45 dl 1 xl 1 hp 014/014 sp 011/011 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-08-07 12:41 00:06:58 dl 1 xl 2 hp 019/024 sp 022/022 Reached experience level 2. 2024-08-07 12:48 00:13:51 dl 2 xl 2 hp 024/024 sp 022/022 Arrived at dungeon level 2 for the first time. 2024-08-07 12:48 00:14:22 dl 2 xl 2 hp 017/024 sp 022/022 Encountered the kobold tribe leader. 2024-08-07 12:54 00:19:58 dl 2 xl 2 hp 024/024 sp 022/022 Flicked the switch in a block room. 2024-08-07 12:54 00:20:19 dl 2 xl 2 hp 024/024 sp 022/022 Found a Belt of Giant Strength +2. 2024-08-07 12:54 00:20:22 dl 2 xl 2 hp 024/024 sp 022/022 Found Goggles of Marksmanship. 2024-08-07 13:01 00:24:38 dl 2 xl 3 hp 028/035 sp 029/029 Reached experience level 3. 2024-08-07 13:19 00:30:04 dl 2 xl 3 hp 035/035 sp 029/029 Discovered the kobold tribe throneroom. 2024-08-07 13:19 00:30:10 dl 2 xl 3 hp 035/035 sp 029/029 Found Boots of Stealth +2. 2024-08-07 13:19 00:30:10 dl 2 xl 3 hp 035/035 sp 029/029 Found Goggles of Night. 2024-08-07 13:20 00:31:13 dl 2 xl 3 hp 035/035 sp 029/029 Found a banded armor. 2024-08-07 13:21 00:32:12 dl 2 xl 3 hp 035/035 sp 029/029 Not connected to Steam! Could not unlock achievement (Perfect Assassin). 2024-08-07 13:24 00:35:23 dl 2 xl 3 hp 011/035 sp 029/029 Found a Robe of Protection +3. 2024-08-07 13:28 00:39:15 carillo xl 3 hp 035/035 sp 029/029 Arrived at Carillo, the trading demiplane, for the first time. 2024-08-07 13:34 00:44:11 dl 2 xl 3 hp 035/035 sp 029/029 Returned to dungeon level 2. 2024-08-07 13:34 00:44:25 dl 3 xl 3 hp 035/035 sp 029/029 Arrived at dungeon level 3 for the first time. 2024-08-07 13:38 00:48:13 dl 3 xl 4 hp 037/042 sp 035/035 Reached experience level 4. 2024-08-07 13:41 00:51:44 dl 3 xl 4 hp 042/042 sp 035/035 Discovered the lair of the Ratqueen. 2024-08-07 13:41 00:51:44 dl 3 xl 4 hp 042/042 sp 035/035 Encountered Rat Queen. 2024-08-07 13:55 01:05:07 dl 3 xl 4 hp 042/042 sp 035/035 Encountered the goblin king. 2024-08-07 13:57 01:07:24 dl 3 xl 4 hp 036/042 sp 035/035 Discovered the throneroom of the goblin king. 2024-08-07 14:01 01:11:14 dl 3 xl 4 hp 015/042 sp 000/035 Defeated the goblin king. 2024-08-07 14:01 01:11:14 dl 3 xl 4 hp 015/042 sp 000/035 Not connected to Steam! Could not unlock achievement (Kingslayer). 2024-08-07 14:01 01:11:43 dl 3 xl 5 hp 018/050 sp 000/046 Reached experience level 5. 2024-08-07 14:02 01:12:09 dl 3 xl 5 hp 043/050 sp 046/046 Found small shield +2. 2024-08-07 14:02 01:12:20 dl 3 xl 5 hp 045/050 sp 046/046 Found Boots of Dodging +2. 2024-08-07 14:02 01:12:22 dl 3 xl 5 hp 045/050 sp 046/046 Found a Handaxe of Cold +1. 2024-08-07 14:02 01:12:23 dl 3 xl 5 hp 045/050 sp 046/046 Found an Unholy Shortbow +2. 2024-08-07 14:15 01:24:55 dl 3 xl 5 hp 050/050 sp 046/046 Saved game. (1) 2024-08-08 12:39 01:24:55 dl 3 xl 5 hp 050/050 sp 046/046 Loaded game. 2024-08-08 12:41 01:25:58 dl 4 xl 5 hp 050/050 sp 046/046 Arrived at dungeon level 4 for the first time. 2024-08-08 12:41 01:25:58 dl 4 xl 5 hp 050/050 sp 046/046 Not connected to Steam! Could not unlock achievement (Dungeon 4). 2024-08-08 12:44 01:29:24 dl 4 xl 5 hp 033/050 sp 016/046 Discovered the throneroom of the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-08-08 12:52 01:37:22 dl 4 xl 5 hp 004/050 sp 001/046 Encountered the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-08-08 12:52 01:37:27 dl 4 xl 5 hp 000/050 sp 001/046 Killed by a nabassu. 2024-08-08 12:52 01:37:27 dl 4 xl 5 hp 000/050 sp 001/046 Company wizard: "The Company rules!" 2024-08-08 12:52 01:37:27 dl 4 xl 5 hp 000/050 sp 001/046 Hobgoblin warlord: "No, I will not give you the permission to die just yet, human! Drag him into the torture chambers!" 2024-08-08 12:52 01:37:27 dl 4 xl 5 hp 000/050 sp 001/046 Bugbear: "Drag him to the torture chambers!"