ZORBUS obituary Release 60 2024-08-06 16:29 Playtime 01:44:02 FOSTER Human male, level 7 Killed by an eye tyrant. SCORE points factor base 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C Z Exploration 1869 18% 10000 100% 95% 98% 92% 34% 15% 93% . . . . . Creatures defeated 1527 15% 10000 100% 92% 86% 79% 51% 13% 47% . . . . . Uniques defeated, dungeon 1875 3 of 16 10000 . 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . Uniques defeated, demiplanes 0 0 of 16 40000 . . . . . . . . . . . . Total 5271 LEVEL explored secrets found time spent kills total xp combat skills explore other actions/s Level 1 100% 8 of 8 100% 00:09:43 40 3120 2820 . 300 . 2.5 Level 2 95% 5 of 9 55% 00:12:08 24 5194 5174 20 . . 2.1 Level 3 98% 1 of 3 33% 00:22:16 22 9633 9633 . . . 2.0 Level 4 92% 3 of 12 25% 00:28:04 21 15119 15079 40 . . 1.4 Level 5 34% 0 of 8 0% 00:08:08 3 5906 5906 . . . 1.3 Level 6 15% 0 of 14 0% 00:03:04 . 109 109 . . . 0.9 Level 7 93% 0 of 8 0% 00:06:58 4 6617 6617 . . . 1.1 Carillo . . . . 00:13:41 1 910 910 . . . 0.6 Total 74% 17 of 62 27% 01:44:02 115 46608 46248 60 300 0 1.6 HEALTH 53 STAMINA 61 ABILITIES total = base + items + temp mod 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Body 13 = 12 + 1 + 0 1 12 . . . . . . 12 Motion 12 = 12 + 0 + 0 1 12 . . . . . . 12 Mind 11 = 11 + 0 + 0 0 11 . . . . . . 11 Spirit 14 = 14 + 0 + 0 2 14 . . . . . . 14 Character's abilities were set with the point buy -method. Traded 5 ability points for 1 talent point. SKILLS total = base + mod + items + temp 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Disable 4 = 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 1 . . 2 . . . 2 Dodge 2 = 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 0 . . 1 . . . 1 Magic -7 = 1 + 0 + -8 + 0 0 . . . . . 1 1 Melee 4 = 3 + 1 + 0 + 0 1 . 2 . 3 . . 3 Ranged 5 = 3 + 1 + 1 + 0 1 . . . . 2 3 3 Search 2 = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 1 . . . . . . 1 Stealth 4 = 3 + 1 + 0 + 0 0 . . . . 1 . 3 RESISTANCES total = base + items + temp Blunt 6 = 0 + 6 + 0 Pierce 6 = 0 + 6 + 0 Slash 7 = 0 + 7 + 0 Mental 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Energy 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Fire 8 = 0 + 8 + 0 Cold 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Lightning 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Acid 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Sonic 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Poison 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 Holy 99 = 99 + 0 + 0 Necrotic 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 BEST WEAPON DPR PER EXPERIENCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Melee weapon 5.4 6.3 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 Ranged weapon 3.1 3.1 3.8 3.8 3.8 6.4 6.4 TALENTS gained at level uses Animal Friend 1 0 Natural Leader 1 0 Silver Spoon 1 0 Improved Melee Criticals 5 0 EQUIPMENT found in level Head Helm of Horns 2 Back - - Body Banded armor +2 C Waist - - Feet - - Forearms Bracers of Archery +1 4 Hands Gloves of the Expert Trapper 4 Neck - - Finger Ring of Rogues +1 3 Finger Ring of Fire Resistance C Eyes Goggles of Marksmanship 2 Lightsource Lantern 1 Set 1 main-hand Morningstar of Energy +3 4 Damage = 5-12 (Blunt: 1d8+3, Energy: 1) Set 1 off-hand Tower shield +2 4 Set 2 main-hand Longbow +3 5 Set 2 off-hand - - Quiver Arrow +2 (109) 4 INVENTORY found in level Arrow (1028) 3 Arrow +1 (149) 3 Arrow of Impact +1 (12) 3 Arrow of Poison (11) 4 Arrow of Tracking +2 (4) 4 Bullet (827) 1 Bullet +2 (6) 4 Bullet of Anchoring +4 (3) 4 Bullet of Explosion (6) 3 Bullet of Withering +1 (2) 4 Carillo Express Card 1 Carillo Express Card 3 Everlasting Bullet +1 4 Goblin key 3 Holy Arrow +1 (26) 3 Holy Sling +1 1 Damage = 1 (Holy: 1) Kit of Animate trap (4) C Kit of Confusion trap C Kit of Fire Ball trap (2) 1 Kit of Necrotic Arrow trap (3) 2 Kit of Slime trap (3) 1 Kit of Summon Animals trap (2) 2 Kit of Web trap (5) 2 Kit of Withering trap (2) 1 Kobold key 2 Potion of Antidote (2) 1 Potion of Blink C Potion of Cold Resistance 5 Potion of Extra Endurance (3) 4 Potion of Healing (2) C Potion of Invulnerability 7 Potion of Martyrdom (2) 2 Potion of Speed 2 Potion of Superior Healing (3) C Potion of True Seeing 5 Ring of Bonding 2 Scroll of Activate Golem 4 Scroll of Magic Mapping C Unholy Arrow +1 (28) 4 Unholy Bullet +1 (8) 4 Unholy Bullet of Energy +2 (10) 4 Unholy Bullet of Lightning +1 (28) 3 Unholy Bullet of Slime +1 (14) 4 Unicorn Figurine 7 Unicorn Figurine C Wand of Animate Dead 4 Wand of Banishment C Wand of Confusion C Zorbits (223) 1 DEVICE USES 75 Carillo Express Card 14 Potion of Antidote 2 Potion of Blink 15 Potion of Bull's Strength 1 Potion of Extra Healing 11 Potion of Healing 7 Potion of Invulnerability 1 Potion of Superior Healing 1 Scroll of Acid Weapon 1 Scroll of Darkvision 1 Scroll of Enchant Armor 1 Scroll of Energy Weapon 1 Scroll of Lightning Weapon 1 Scroll of Magic Mapping 1 Unicorn Figurine 1 Wand of Chain Lightning 6 Wand of Confusion 3 Wand of Summon Animals 3 Wand of Summon Elemental 4 COMMANDS 6037 Autoattack 2280 Autoexplore 802 Autopilot / Level map 85 Character sheet 16 Command all companions 70 Command companion 03 5 Command companion 04 1 Display log 2 Examine 4 Full rest 64 Game menu 14 Inventory 57 Loot items from level 94 Move / attack east 364 Move / attack north 219 Move / attack northeast 148 Move / attack northwest 108 Move / attack south 157 Move / attack southeast 146 Move / attack southwest 110 Move / attack west 239 Quickslot 01 10 Quickslot 02 1 Quickslot 05 6 Quickslot 06 3 Quickslot 07 1 Quickslot 11 1 Quickslot 12 15 Quickslot 13 8 Quickslot 14 1 Quickslot 15 9 Quickslot 16 14 Quickslot 17 2 Quickslots / items on ground 7 Rest 1 round 915 Rest until healed 2 Rest until restored 1 Scroll log up 2 Swap weapon set 54 Mostly used mouse to move around. Total 5455 key presses, on average 52 per minute or 0.9 per second. Total 4372 mouse clicks, on average 42 per minute or 0.7 per second. Total 9827 actions, on average 94 per minute or 1.6 per second. MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS Character's abilities were set with the point buy -method. Boosted abilities permanently 0 times. Last movement speed was 1. Had 2224 zorbits at most. Bought 28 items for 6938 zorbits. Sold 23 items for 1486 zorbits. Enchanted an armor successfully 1 out of 1 tries. Enchanted a weapon successfully 3 out of 3 tries. Had at most 6 companions. Recruited 9 companions. Tamed a creature successfully 7 out of 11 tries. Activated 0 golems. Cloned himself 0 times. Animated 6 creatures. Summoned 11 creatures. Companions yielded 59% of combat related experience points. Drank from a well 0 times. Sat on a throne 3 times. Sat on 3 different thrones. Switch room usage counts: anchor: 0, animate: 2, block: 0, challenge: 0, clone: 0, nullify: 0, sunrise: 0, teleport: 2, wither: 0. Disabled a trap successfully 0 out of 0 tries. Yielded 0% of total experience points. Setup a trap successfully 0 out of 0 tries. CREATURES KILLED / 50%+ DAMAGED 115 55 Ash mephit 2 0 Astraloth warrior 1 0 Barlgura 1 0 Bugbear 1 2 Chasme 1 0 Company warrior 1 0 Corrupted treant 0 1 Crocodile 3 1 Diseased giant rat 1 0 Dust mephit 1 0 Gelatinous cube 0 1 Giant bat 1 0 Giant bee 2 1 Giant beetle 3 0 Giant cave lizard 1 0 Giant centipede 3 1 Giant fire beetle 1 0 Giant fly 1 0 Giant frog 2 0 Giant gecko 2 0 Giant lizard 10 1 Giant rat 4 3 Giant spider 0 1 Giant vampire bat 0 2 Gibberling 6 1 Gnoll 2 0 Goblin 1 1 Goblin outcast 1 3 Goblin wardrummer 0 2 Gremlin 0 1 Grimlock 1 0 Harpy 2 0 Hobgoblin 4 2 Hobgoblin sergeant 1 0 Homunculus 1 1 Human warrior 1 2 Human wizard 1 1 Ice mephit 0 2 Jackal 1 0 Jermlaine 1 2 Kobold 2 2 Kobold outcast 2 0 Large crab 1 0 Lemure 0 1 Lion 0 1 Manes 0 1 Manticore 0 1 Mimic 2 0 Mudman 2 0 Orc 0 1 Orc wardrummer 1 1 Sahuagin 1 1 Shambling mound 0 1 Shrieker fungus 4 0 Skeleton 9 4 Slaver 3 0 Spiderling 5 1 Stirge 1 0 Target dummy 1 0 Thri-kreen 2 1 Troll 1 1 Vampiric wolf 1 0 Wererat 0 1 Werewolf 1 2 Wolf 7 1 Wolverine 1 0 Worg 1 0 Young thief 0 1 Zombie 2 1 FALLEN COMPANIONS 2024-08-06 13:22 Fox Tamed and died on dungeon level 1 2024-08-06 15:54 Ginumyd the witch Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 4 2024-08-06 16:08 Galfail the elf wizard Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 5 2024-08-06 16:21 Faeler the elf wizard Recruited in Carillo, died on dungeon level 7 2024-08-06 16:21 Direphant Tamed on dungeon level 3, died on 7 2024-08-06 16:28 Mithsith the mean-looking mercenary Recruited and died on dungeon level 7 PANTHEON AT THE END Hersbrot The Prince of Undeath Tarmadnas The Faceless Lord Wroberu The Wizard Dolnar The Undying King Micwhan The Beauty Yot The Dark Knight Keekone The Titan Mognar The Queen of Spiders MAP #.........# ##................## ####.##........... ##..:.:.F.## ##...F...........## #.##......Y.... ##........# #................#######.###.......... #..:...F.## #................+.....#...#.......... #######...:..R.## #................#.....+...##......... # ###...:...#### ##........p.....##...X.#...####.....## # ##........D## ##.........F...##.....#...######+#### # ###..F.F.:..# #............###.....#...........#.. # ###........# ##..........## #.....#...........+.. # ###..F.F.E# ##........#######.###...........#.. # # ##.....## ##......## #...#.# #...#####...#.. # ######+#### ####+##### #...#.# #...# #...#.. # #........# ###.......### #...#.# #...# #...#.. # #........###...0.@.0...###...#.# #...# #...#.. # #....:...##..0...0B.....##...#+###...# #...#.. # #........#.......@@.C....#...........# ##.#### # +........O..5..0.Ye0..5..+...........# #.# # #........#...............#...........# #.# # #........##.............##########...# #.# # #.:.....:###...0.5.0...## #@ZZ######.#### # #....|...# ###.......### #@@............ # ##....~...# ###....#### #.@@########### # ##.######## #......# ###...### # ##.## #......# ###.......### # ##...# #......# ##...........## # ###...#########...8..# ##.............## # # #.~................# ##.......7.......## # ### #...#########...0..# ##.....7.....7.....## ####### #...# #......# #......@............# #...# #.8...8# ##...7...........7...## #...## #......# #.....................# LOG You are killed! (17 = Pierce: 8 = 14 - res 6 + Cold: 9 = 9 - res 0) The eye tyrant casts Frost Ray. The eye tyrant is not affected by Fire Wall. The eye tyrant is not affected. Active weapon set: Longbow +3 / 109 x Arrow +2. You are damaged. (14 = Pierce: 3 = 9 - res 6 + Cold: 11 = 11 - res 0) The eye tyrant casts Frost Ray. The eye tyrant is not affected by Fire Wall. The eye tyrant is not affected. Hostile creatures seen! Stopped autopilot. Cildoiel uses the Health Surge talent. Cildoiel is healed for 51 points. Can not rest while hostile creatures are seen! You drink a Potion of Blink. Eye tyrant comes into view in west at distance 7. You are in the effect of Fire Wall. You are not affected. Stopped autopilot. Someone casts a spell. You hear someone casting a spell in west. You drink a Potion of Blink. The sentinel swings its tentacles at you but misses. The sentinel swings its tentacles at you, but you block the attack. The sentinel swings its tentacles at you, but you block the attack. The sentinel swings its tentacles at Juglar and hits! (Blunt: 0 = 4 - res 4) Juglar was teleported! Cornelius punches the drow warrior and kills him! (Blunt: 6 = 10 - res 4) (285 XP) Juglar switches weapons to: Longbow +1 / 23 x Arrow +1. The drow warrior attacks you with a shortsword, but you block the attack. The drow warrior attacks you with a shortsword, but you block the attack. The drow warrior uses the Dualstrike talent. You attack the drow warrior with the Morningstar of Energy +3 and hit! (5 = Blunt: 5 = 9 - res 4 + Energy: 0 = 1 - res 1) Cornelius punches the drow warrior and hits! (Blunt: 13 = 17 - res 4) Cornelius punches the drow warrior, but he blocks the attack. The drow warrior attacks you with a shortsword, but you block the attack. HISTORY 2024-08-06 13:21 00:00:00 dl 1 xl 1 hp 013/013 sp 010/010 Adventure started. 2024-08-06 13:21 00:00:15 dl 1 xl 1 hp 013/013 sp 010/010 Found a Scroll of Darkvision. 2024-08-06 13:22 00:00:51 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/013 sp 010/010 Tamed a fox. 2024-08-06 13:22 00:00:51 dl 1 xl 1 hp 011/013 sp 010/010 Had 1 companion. 2024-08-06 13:22 00:01:03 dl 1 xl 1 hp 010/013 sp 010/010 Companion fox killed by a jackal. 2024-08-06 13:22 00:01:03 dl 1 xl 1 hp 010/013 sp 010/010 Had no companions. 2024-08-06 13:23 00:01:29 dl 1 xl 1 hp 013/013 sp 010/010 Tamed a dog. 2024-08-06 13:23 00:01:29 dl 1 xl 1 hp 013/013 sp 010/010 Had 1 companion. 2024-08-06 13:23 00:01:50 dl 1 xl 1 hp 013/013 sp 010/010 Tamed a zorbo. 2024-08-06 13:23 00:01:50 dl 1 xl 1 hp 013/013 sp 010/010 Had 2 companions. 2024-08-06 13:23 00:02:13 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Reached experience level 2. 2024-08-06 13:24 00:02:54 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Tamed an elephant. 2024-08-06 13:24 00:02:54 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Had 3 companions. 2024-08-06 13:24 00:03:19 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-08-06 13:25 00:03:23 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Tamed an elephant. 2024-08-06 13:25 00:03:23 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Had 4 companions. 2024-08-06 13:25 00:03:27 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Flicked the switch in a teleport room. 2024-08-06 13:26 00:04:26 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Found a Carillo Express Card. 2024-08-06 13:27 00:05:28 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Arrived at Carillo, the trading demiplane, for the first time. 2024-08-06 13:27 00:05:32 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Recruited witch Ginumyd. 2024-08-06 13:27 00:05:32 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Had 5 companions. 2024-08-06 13:27 00:05:39 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Removed zorbo from the party. 2024-08-06 13:27 00:05:39 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Had 4 companions. 2024-08-06 13:27 00:05:41 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Recruited aasimar paladin Cildoiel. 2024-08-06 13:27 00:05:41 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Had 5 companions. 2024-08-06 13:27 00:06:17 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Returned to dungeon level 1. 2024-08-06 13:29 00:08:11 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Found an Orb of Nullifying. 2024-08-06 13:29 00:08:19 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Removed dog from the party. 2024-08-06 13:29 00:08:19 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Had 4 companions. 2024-08-06 13:30 00:08:22 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Recruited jelly. 2024-08-06 13:30 00:08:22 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Had 5 companions. 2024-08-06 13:30 00:08:36 dl 1 xl 2 hp 021/022 sp 020/020 Found a Scroll of Lightning Weapon. 2024-08-06 13:30 00:08:59 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Dungeon level 1 completely explored. 2024-08-06 13:31 00:09:43 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Enchanted Family Blade +2 with a Scroll of Lightning Weapon. 2024-08-06 13:31 00:10:01 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Returned to Carillo. 2024-08-06 13:31 00:10:07 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Removed jelly from the party. 2024-08-06 13:31 00:10:07 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Had 4 companions. 2024-08-06 13:31 00:10:08 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Recruited elf wizard Faeler. 2024-08-06 13:31 00:10:08 carillo xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Had 5 companions. 2024-08-06 13:33 00:11:27 dl 1 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Returned to dungeon level 1. 2024-08-06 13:33 00:11:58 dl 2 xl 2 hp 022/022 sp 020/020 Arrived at dungeon level 2 for the first time. 2024-08-06 13:35 00:13:30 dl 2 xl 3 hp 020/026 sp 030/030 Reached experience level 3. 2024-08-06 13:37 00:15:57 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Found a Scroll of Acid Weapon. 2024-08-06 13:37 00:16:02 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Enchanted Family Blade +2 with a Scroll of Acid Weapon. 2024-08-06 13:40 00:18:58 dl 2 xl 3 hp 019/026 sp 030/030 Saved game. (1) 2024-08-06 14:20 00:18:58 dl 2 xl 3 hp 019/026 sp 030/030 Loaded game. 2024-08-06 14:20 00:19:19 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Encountered the kobold tribe leader. 2024-08-06 14:20 00:19:19 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Discovered the kobold tribe throneroom. 2024-08-06 14:21 00:19:53 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Found a Ring of Bonding. 2024-08-06 14:21 00:20:19 dl 2 xl 3 hp 013/026 sp 030/030 Saw a wolverine kill the kobold tribe leader. 2024-08-06 14:22 00:20:37 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Found Goggles of Marksmanship. 2024-08-06 14:22 00:20:38 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Found a Helm of Horns. 2024-08-06 14:25 00:23:59 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Returned to Carillo. 2024-08-06 14:26 00:24:25 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Found a Wand of Summon Elemental. 2024-08-06 14:27 00:25:48 carillo xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Enchanted Banded armor +1 with a Scroll of Darkvision. 2024-08-06 14:28 00:26:38 dl 2 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Returned to dungeon level 2. 2024-08-06 14:28 00:26:45 dl 3 xl 3 hp 026/026 sp 030/030 Arrived at dungeon level 3 for the first time. 2024-08-06 14:29 00:27:19 dl 3 xl 3 hp 022/026 sp 030/030 Discovered the throneroom of the goblin king. 2024-08-06 14:29 00:27:23 dl 3 xl 3 hp 024/026 sp 030/030 Encountered the goblin king. 2024-08-06 14:29 00:27:48 dl 3 xl 3 hp 015/026 sp 030/030 Companion Ginumyd defeated the goblin king. 2024-08-06 14:30 00:28:47 dl 3 xl 4 hp 022/034 sp 040/040 Reached experience level 4. 2024-08-06 14:31 00:29:29 dl 3 xl 4 hp 024/034 sp 040/040 Found a Ring of Rogues +1. 2024-08-06 14:31 00:29:30 dl 3 xl 4 hp 024/034 sp 040/040 Found an Unholy Shortsword of Energy +2. 2024-08-06 14:31 00:29:36 dl 3 xl 4 hp 025/034 sp 040/040 Found an Unholy Shortbow +2. 2024-08-06 14:31 00:29:45 dl 3 xl 4 hp 025/034 sp 040/040 Found a Shortbow of Cold +1. 2024-08-06 14:31 00:29:51 dl 3 xl 4 hp 027/034 sp 040/040 Found an Armor of Speed +1. 2024-08-06 14:35 00:33:41 dl 3 xl 4 hp 034/034 sp 040/040 Found a Carillo Express Card. 2024-08-06 14:38 00:36:54 dl 3 xl 4 hp 034/034 sp 040/040 Flicked the switch in an animate room. 2024-08-06 14:40 00:38:52 dl 3 xl 4 hp 034/034 sp 040/040 Found a plate armor +1. 2024-08-06 14:44 00:43:02 dl 3 xl 4 hp 034/034 sp 040/040 Removed elephant from the party. 2024-08-06 14:44 00:43:02 dl 3 xl 4 hp 034/034 sp 040/040 Had 4 companions. 2024-08-06 14:45 00:43:08 dl 3 xl 4 hp 034/034 sp 040/040 Tamed a direphant. 2024-08-06 14:45 00:43:08 dl 3 xl 4 hp 034/034 sp 040/040 Had 5 companions. 2024-08-06 14:45 00:44:05 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/034 sp 040/040 Encountered Rat Queen. 2024-08-06 14:45 00:44:05 dl 3 xl 4 hp 032/034 sp 040/040 Discovered the lair of the Ratqueen. 2024-08-06 14:50 00:48:01 dl 3 xl 5 hp 040/040 sp 047/047 Reached experience level 5. 2024-08-06 14:50 00:48:01 dl 3 xl 5 hp 040/040 sp 047/047 Ginumyd: "It's still a long way to Zorbus, but we're getting closer." 2024-08-06 14:51 00:48:51 carillo xl 5 hp 045/045 sp 052/052 Returned to Carillo. 2024-08-06 14:53 00:50:53 carillo xl 5 hp 040/040 sp 047/047 Bought a Ring of Fire Resistance for 1100 zorbits. 2024-08-06 14:53 00:51:02 dl 3 xl 5 hp 040/040 sp 047/047 Returned to dungeon level 3. 2024-08-06 14:53 00:51:12 dl 4 xl 5 hp 040/040 sp 047/047 Arrived at dungeon level 4 for the first time. 2024-08-06 14:57 00:55:10 dl 4 xl 5 hp 040/040 sp 047/047 Discovered the throneroom of the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-08-06 14:57 00:55:36 dl 4 xl 5 hp 022/040 sp 047/047 Encountered the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-08-06 14:58 00:55:52 dl 4 xl 5 hp 022/040 sp 047/047 Companion Cildoiel defeated the hobgoblin warlord. 2024-08-06 14:58 00:55:54 dl 4 xl 5 hp 022/040 sp 047/047 Found Bracers of Archery +1. 2024-08-06 14:58 00:55:55 dl 4 xl 5 hp 022/040 sp 047/047 Found a Ring of Acid Resistance. 2024-08-06 14:58 00:55:56 dl 4 xl 5 hp 022/040 sp 047/047 Found a Helm of Horns. 2024-08-06 14:59 00:57:15 dl 4 xl 5 hp 030/040 sp 047/047 Found Gloves of the Expert Trapper. 2024-08-06 15:01 00:58:57 dl 4 xl 5 hp 040/040 sp 047/047 Saved game. (2) 2024-08-06 15:41 00:58:57 dl 4 xl 5 hp 040/040 sp 047/047 Loaded game. 2024-08-06 15:45 01:02:52 dl 4 xl 6 hp 030/046 sp 056/056 Reached experience level 6. 2024-08-06 15:53 01:10:38 dl 4 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Found a Scroll of Activate Golem. 2024-08-06 15:53 01:10:38 dl 4 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Found an Everlasting Bullet +1. 2024-08-06 15:53 01:10:39 dl 4 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Found a Ring of Energy Resistance. 2024-08-06 15:54 01:12:06 dl 4 xl 6 hp 020/040 sp 044/044 Companion Ginumyd killed by a mummy. 2024-08-06 15:54 01:12:06 dl 4 xl 6 hp 020/040 sp 044/044 Ginumyd: "Help me, Foster, help me!" 2024-08-06 15:54 01:12:06 dl 4 xl 6 hp 020/040 sp 044/044 Had 4 companions. 2024-08-06 15:56 01:13:44 carillo xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Returned to Carillo. 2024-08-06 15:56 01:14:32 carillo xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Recruited elf wizard Galfail. 2024-08-06 15:56 01:14:32 carillo xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Had 5 companions. 2024-08-06 15:57 01:14:53 carillo xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Bought a Wand of Banishment for 490 zorbits. 2024-08-06 15:57 01:15:01 carillo xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Found an Unicorn Figurine. 2024-08-06 15:57 01:15:21 carillo xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Bought a Wand of Confusion for 590 zorbits. 2024-08-06 15:57 01:15:35 dl 4 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Returned to dungeon level 4. 2024-08-06 15:58 01:16:29 dl 4 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Found a morningstar +3. 2024-08-06 16:00 01:18:05 dl 4 xl 6 hp 026/046 sp 056/056 Found a Wand of Animate Dead. 2024-08-06 16:00 01:18:05 dl 4 xl 6 hp 026/046 sp 056/056 Found a Scroll of Energy Weapon. 2024-08-06 16:01 01:19:22 dl 4 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Enchanted Morningstar +3 with a Scroll of Energy Weapon. 2024-08-06 16:04 01:20:44 dl 4 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Flicked the switch in an animate room. 2024-08-06 16:05 01:21:07 dl 5 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Arrived at dungeon level 5 for the first time. 2024-08-06 16:08 01:24:01 dl 5 xl 6 hp 039/046 sp 056/056 Companion Galfail killed by a bandit leader. 2024-08-06 16:08 01:24:01 dl 5 xl 6 hp 039/046 sp 056/056 Galfail: "Foster... grlggghhh..." 2024-08-06 16:08 01:24:01 dl 5 xl 6 hp 039/046 sp 056/056 Had 4 companions. 2024-08-06 16:08 01:24:12 dl 5 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Discovered the bandit headquarters. 2024-08-06 16:09 01:25:38 dl 5 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Found a longbow +3. 2024-08-06 16:11 01:27:05 dl 5 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Tamed a brown bear. 2024-08-06 16:11 01:27:05 dl 5 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Had 5 companions. 2024-08-06 16:12 01:28:51 carillo xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Returned to Carillo. 2024-08-06 16:13 01:29:57 dl 5 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Returned to dungeon level 5. 2024-08-06 16:14 01:30:21 dl 6 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Arrived at dungeon level 6 for the first time. 2024-08-06 16:17 01:31:27 dl 6 xl 6 hp 031/046 sp 056/056 Encountered the dagonoth archpriest. 2024-08-06 16:17 01:31:45 dl 6 xl 6 hp 032/046 sp 056/056 Discovered the throneroom of the dagonoth. 2024-08-06 16:17 01:32:01 carillo xl 6 hp 035/046 sp 056/056 Returned to Carillo. 2024-08-06 16:17 01:32:08 carillo xl 6 hp 036/046 sp 056/056 Recruited family golem Cornelius. 2024-08-06 16:17 01:32:08 carillo xl 6 hp 036/046 sp 056/056 Had 5 companions, 1 construct. 2024-08-06 16:18 01:32:36 carillo xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Found a Wand of Chain Lightning. 2024-08-06 16:19 01:33:29 dl 6 xl 6 hp 046/046 sp 056/056 Returned to dungeon level 6. 2024-08-06 16:19 01:33:52 dl 6 xl 7 hp 053/053 sp 061/061 Reached experience level 7. 2024-08-06 16:20 01:34:53 dl 7 xl 7 hp 029/053 sp 061/061 Arrived at dungeon level 7 for the first time. 2024-08-06 16:21 01:35:59 dl 7 xl 7 hp 024/053 sp 061/061 Encountered the duergar king. 2024-08-06 16:21 01:36:23 dl 7 xl 7 hp 026/053 sp 061/061 Companion Faeler killed by a salamander. 2024-08-06 16:21 01:36:23 dl 7 xl 7 hp 026/053 sp 061/061 Faeler: "Foster!" 2024-08-06 16:21 01:36:23 dl 7 xl 7 hp 026/053 sp 061/061 Had 4 companions, 1 construct. 2024-08-06 16:21 01:36:24 dl 7 xl 7 hp 026/053 sp 061/061 Companion direphant killed by poison. 2024-08-06 16:21 01:36:24 dl 7 xl 7 hp 026/053 sp 061/061 Had 3 companions, 1 construct. 2024-08-06 16:23 01:37:36 carillo xl 7 hp 026/053 sp 061/061 Returned to Carillo. 2024-08-06 16:23 01:38:00 carillo xl 7 hp 029/053 sp 061/061 Recruited giff Azarfer. 2024-08-06 16:23 01:38:00 carillo xl 7 hp 029/053 sp 061/061 Had 4 companions, 1 construct. 2024-08-06 16:23 01:38:02 carillo xl 7 hp 030/053 sp 061/061 Recruited drow warrior Juglar. 2024-08-06 16:23 01:38:02 carillo xl 7 hp 030/053 sp 061/061 Had 5 companions, 1 construct. 2024-08-06 16:24 01:39:22 carillo xl 7 hp 039/053 sp 061/061 Bought a Scroll of Enchant Armor for 560 zorbits. 2024-08-06 16:25 01:39:29 carillo xl 7 hp 039/053 sp 061/061 Bought a Scroll of Magic Mapping for 560 zorbits. 2024-08-06 16:25 01:39:41 carillo xl 7 hp 040/053 sp 061/061 Enchanted Banded armor +1 with a Scroll of Enchant Armor. 2024-08-06 16:25 01:39:47 dl 7 xl 7 hp 042/053 sp 061/061 Returned to dungeon level 7. 2024-08-06 16:26 01:40:48 dl 7 xl 7 hp 053/053 sp 061/061 Removed giff Azarfer from the party. 2024-08-06 16:26 01:40:48 dl 7 xl 7 hp 053/053 sp 061/061 Had 4 companions, 1 construct. 2024-08-06 16:26 01:40:50 dl 7 xl 7 hp 053/053 sp 061/061 Recruited mean-looking mercenary Mithsith. 2024-08-06 16:26 01:40:50 dl 7 xl 7 hp 053/053 sp 061/061 Had 5 companions, 1 construct. 2024-08-06 16:26 01:40:53 dl 7 xl 7 hp 053/053 sp 061/061 Found an Unicorn Figurine. 2024-08-06 16:26 01:41:06 dl 7 xl 7 hp 053/053 sp 061/061 Read a Scroll of Magic Mapping. 2024-08-06 16:28 01:43:21 dl 7 xl 7 hp 015/053 sp 046/061 Companion Mithsith killed by poison. 2024-08-06 16:28 01:43:21 dl 7 xl 7 hp 015/053 sp 046/061 Mithsith: "Help me, Foster, help me!" 2024-08-06 16:28 01:43:21 dl 7 xl 7 hp 015/053 sp 046/061 Had 4 companions, 1 construct. 2024-08-06 16:29 01:44:02 dl 7 xl 7 hp 000/053 sp 061/061 Killed by an eye tyrant.